for wildlife around here. Just before the S.A. campout there was a fatal Great White attack around the point at Avila. On the first day of the campout (9/5) 5 Orcas (3 adults and 2 juveniles) were sighted,photographed and video taped outside Morro Rock. I just heard that another Great White has been sighted… in the line up… at Morro Rock.
It’s nice to know there’s life out there.
Was curious if I’d see any of the reported juveniles at San O yesterday, but no dice. Kokua has some good shark stories…
John, It nice meeting you on your visit through town, and thanks for the Swaylocks tee shirt. I know the other guys will be very stoked. We all welcome you any time and we’ll look forward to surfing together. --ep
Thank You! I feel honored to have been allowed backstage at the shop. Thanks to you, Clyde beatty, Steve Brom, Wayne Rich, Jim Allen and Reynolds Yater we had some great stuff (tons of t-shirts, trac top packs, your nice wooden fish fins, etc.) that went a long way towards making the raffle and event a success. A big thank you to all!
This arrived via e-mail at 4:44AM today… Yesterday at 3pm, a white shark attacked and be-headed a sea lion about five hundred yards from where Frantzman was taken. The fishermen had photos which we developed that clearly showed the headless sea lion seconds after the attack. This incident falls under our ‘Shark Policy’, and we shut down the water for another five days. Pismo followed suit within the hour.
Howzit Greg, I got another one of many for you. Every summer the Akule boats come to hanalei to net the fish. They use cicular nets to trap the fish, the problem is they leave the fish in the net for as long as 3 or 4 days so some fish die and attract sharks, About 2 or 3 years ago this attracted about 10 or more Tiger sharks into the bay and they had to shut the beaches. You could see them cruising all over the bay and as close to shore as 10 feet. They owned the Bay for a couple of days and needless to say nobody took off on them. Time for some home made preserves and toast. Aloha, Kokua
John- Heard today a report that the big guy was spotted by fishermen in Avila-complete with pictures, and they shut everything down from Avila to Pismo.
Oh yeah the global climate is pretty whacked right now. Haven’t read much about the Pacific ocean currents and how it influences where the big fish are going, other than there is no El Nino or La Nina development, those conditions are totally neutral. Record heat wave in Europe, drought in the American southwest, major glacial retreat and ice sheets calving off like mad, a weak monsoon season around the Indian Ocean (I think) and the biggest anomoly - a sunny summer in Ventura. Southern hemi was pretty quiet this year and my bet is we’re in for a mild winter. I’m looking for a winter fish not a gun. Thanks again for dropping by John. Swaylocks has some good desciples indeed. Ride on, Dan
the great whities are just waiting for the ice caps to melt. they know whats goin on.
for wildlife around here. Just before the S.A. campout there was a fatal Great White attack around the point at Avila. On the first day of the campout (9/5) 5 Orcas (3 adults and 2 juveniles) were sighted,photographed and video taped outside Morro Rock. I just heard that another Great White has been sighted… in the line up… at Morro Rock. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As most of us realize, this is a food chain issue. These locations have an influx of bait fish and preditors at this time.
I just read an article in transworld, which usually doesn’t have much worth relaying, but they were talking to this photographer who said that in SA the water was so clear and that the local tourist boats actually chum close to the line ups to attrack the whites with surfers and bathers not far off. Is this true? If so, what the f**k, isn’t that insane or illegal. In any event. Definitely a foodchain issue but humbling as hell.
…Hell,They do it here in Cailfornia,no need to go to find that kind of insanity.Herb