Where are you?
Where are you? i second that
Where are you? I has been up to my ears in crap, moving, not having a house to move to!!! Getting one 5 days before we were to be OUT!!! Repainting, getting screwed on the deposit, what’s new!!! No additional phone line in the new house. 10 balsa blanks to build for Evolution. Well, I’m almost back to normal, what ever that is. I’m still trying to filter through all the new threads, you folks have been inquisitive and busy. Thanks for wondering what happened to me. Jim Phillips
We’d love to see some pics of those balsa’s when the dust settlles.
Jim, It’s been many years. You may not remember me from your years in R.I.My name is Fred Patriarca. Back in the early 60’s, surfed for Howie “Goldie”, then Leon “Lee” who had the Con shop in Narragansett & Cranston. Came back to the sport in “89” after 20 years of not surfing. Pan and I graduated High school together and Levy & I surfed for Con. Charlie Phillip’s was a year ahead of me, we grew up in the same neighborhood. If you get back this way again let Edgar,Peter, or Levy let me know. Be well, Fred