Jim Phillips Shaping Film

I recently got to see these films in the rough state and they are amazing.The prices have been posted on the web site.They will be sending preview copies to Mike at Swaylocks and good friend Tom Sterne for review. Go to www.damascusproductions.com the glassing segment is next.Thanks

I recently got to see these films in the rough state and they are > amazing.The prices have been posted on the web site.They will be sending > preview copies to Mike at Swaylocks and good friend Tom Sterne for review. > Go to www.damascusproductions.com the glassing segment is next.Thanks when is the actual release date does anyone know???

Holy freekin’ purse strings 90 bucks for 2 hrs!!! At first this was going to be a three volume set for $100, $30 and change a piece, not bad, but $45 an hour! I know Jim brings alot to the table but at 2 hours it can’t be as indepth as I’d first imagined. I know it’ll be worth it but I just gotta say…GOOD LORD THAT’S A LOTTA MONEY! I shoulda started saving $2 a month when they started the website, I’d have it by now. Hopefully Master Series inspired finished blank won’t rot waiting for the glassing vid to be avalible.

Maybe Mr.Swaylock will let his previously viewed copy go as a prize to the winner of his next contest! Speaking of contests, did the Swaylock T-shirt ever get made? You know, the one that was supposed to read,“Longboarders Never Die, They just…”>>> Holy freekin’ purse strings 90 bucks for 2 hrs!!! At first this was going > to be a three volume set for $100, $30 and change a piece, not bad, but > $45 an hour! I know Jim brings alot to the table but at 2 hours it can’t > be as indepth as I’d first imagined. I know it’ll be worth it but I just > gotta say…GOOD LORD THAT’S A LOTTA MONEY!>>> I shoulda started saving $2 a month when they started the website, I’d > have it by now. Hopefully Master Series inspired finished blank won’t rot > waiting for the glassing vid to be avalible.

How about you let me watch it once and I give you $7.50.

Hmm…I’m interested. A good multi-stringered blank cost how much? plus freight. I suppose I could go find another master craftsman type shaper and see if he would let me watch the process. Wonder if I could get in more than once to learn about a couple of shapes? We could rap and tell surf stories and then I could pick his brain for some serious shaping tips. I don’t know, this might be sketchy considering he’s trying to make a living. Think I’ll opt for the tapes, it’s a sure deal. Shaping/Glassing/Airbrush 101 was a good start, kind of broke the ice for me but my sponge brain isn’t satisfied. Gimme more! WB>>> I recently got to see these films in the rough state and they are > amazing.The prices have been posted on the web site.They will be sending > preview copies to Mike at Swaylocks and good friend Tom Sterne for review. > Go to www.damascusproductions.com the glassing segment is next.Thanks

OK, OK, how bout I watch one tape for $3…or how bout one tape, and I keep one of my eyes closed for .75 cent.

Holy freekin’ purse strings 90 bucks for 2 hrs!!! At first this was going > to be a three volume set for $100, $30 and change a piece, not bad, but > $45 an hour! I know Jim brings alot to the table but at 2 hours it can’t > be as indepth as I’d first imagined. I know it’ll be worth it but I just > gotta say…GOOD LORD THAT’S A LOTTA MONEY!>>> I shoulda started saving $2 a month when they started the website, I’d > have it by now. Hopefully Master Series inspired finished blank won’t rot > waiting for the glassing vid to be avalible. That’s what I say every time I want to buy something!, but what you have on these first two videos is 7 years of indentured servitude for 90 dollars. You can’t buy this kind of apprenticeship. A PHD in a box, priceless, seeing how you get 40 years of experience, shop set up, tools and ALL aspects of shaping without the pitfalls of pissed away blanks at $?.

Hmm…I’m interested. A good multi-stringered blank cost how much? plus > freight. I suppose I could go find another master craftsman type shaper > and see if he would let me watch the process. Wonder if I could get in > more than once to learn about a couple of shapes? We could rap and tell > surf stories and then I could pick his brain for some serious shaping > tips. I don’t know, this might be sketchy considering he’s trying to make > a living. Think I’ll opt for the tapes, it’s a sure deal. > Shaping/Glassing/Airbrush 101 was a good start, kind of broke the ice for > me but my sponge brain isn’t satisfied. Gimme more!>>> WB The plus side is you can rewind or fastforward, go back to the spot where you are having a problem and view again. None of it is the quick skim by, blink and you missed it. Attention to detail, with the sensisble approach.

OK, OK, how bout I watch one tape for $3…or how bout one tape, and I > keep one of my eyes closed for .75 cent. That sounds good, but after viewing, the men in black will use the neurolizer on you.

The plus side is you can rewind or fastforward, go back to the spot where > you are having a problem and view again. None of it is the quick skim by, > blink and you missed it. Attention to detail, with the sensisble approach. Wow whats all the fuss?I have been shaping for thirty plus years and figured that I had it down pretty good.I am one of the few that has had a chance to view this film and I have completely changed my techniques.The part on shaping a six stringer blank and all of the ingenious concave,convex etc. sanding blocks is worth the price of admission in itself.This is a hands on shaping film,no surfing or comedy skits,self promo commercials etc.The perfect follow up to other basic shaping videos on the market.(By the way I have no financial interest in this project.)

Wow whats all the fuss?I have been shaping for thirty plus years and > figured that I had it down pretty good.I am one of the few that has had a > chance to view this film and I have completely changed my techniques.The > part on shaping a six stringer blank and all of the ingenious > concave,convex etc. sanding blocks is worth the price of admission in > itself.This is a hands on shaping film,no surfing or comedy skits,self > promo commercials etc.The perfect follow up to other basic shaping videos > on the market.(By the way I have no financial interest in this project.) Price of an average blank $95, tools and products to get started to shape a board $500 to $1000, chemicals and materials for board $150, a chance to view a “Master Shaper” at his craft, PRICELESS…

winner of his next contest! Speaking of contests, did the Swaylock T-shirt > ever get made? You know, the one that was supposed to > read,“Longboarders Never Die, They just…” ooops. Busted.

ooops. Busted. Mike I suggest that you go ahead and cop a plea with the internet police,you will probably only get 30 days in a sweat shop sanding bay.The Swaylocks crew will all chip in for a good respirator.

Price of an average blank $95, tools and products to get started to shape > a board $500 to $1000, chemicals and materials for board $150, a chance to > view a “Master Shaper” at his craft, PRICELESS… “Priceless”, being the key word here. These video’s, could be eqivalent to Henry Ford, showing the public, How we build a car 101.

“Priceless”, being the key word here. These video’s, could be > eqivalent to Henry Ford, showing the public, How we build a car 101. …We are all spoiled here!Me included,but YOU HAVE TO PAY THE TOLL SOMEWHERE.Might as well be on something you love to do…how much was that new Boss surfboard again?Herb

Maybe us spoiled but loyal Swaylock contributers can be the first to be offered a 25% discount…20%?..ok 15%>>> …We are all spoiled here!Me included,but YOU HAVE TO PAY THE TOLL > SOMEWHERE.Might as well be on something you love to do…how much was > that new Boss surfboard again?Herb

That’s what I say every time I want to buy something!, but what you have > on these first two videos is 7 years of indentured servitude for 90 > dollars. You can’t buy this kind of apprenticeship. A PHD in a box, > priceless, seeing how you get 40 years of experience, shop set up, tools > and ALL aspects of shaping without the pitfalls of pissed away blanks at > $?. Jim…hang in there brudda…this is america and capitalism reigns…why shouldn’t you benefit from your experience…by the way that PHD (piled high and deep) just means you can charge even more…now let’s bump it a notch and go to the DVD series. I’m sure its worth every dime. JC

All of you guys that bitch about the price of the videos or want a fricken discount make me want to vomit. Here’s a guy that’s spent the better part of his life perfecting his craft an is offering you his knowledge for next to nothing. After he pays the production people their cut I don’t think there’s a heck of a lot left for Jim. I bet when it gets right down to it, he’s doing the videos for the love of shaping surfboards rather than for the money. How do I know this you may wonder? Well, if you spent that many years doing something you love and didn’t get monetarily rich, it’s obvious these videos are an extension of that; For the love. I think that if everyone that watches the video sends Jim one dollar for each thing they learn, Jim would be a wealthy man. I’d like to see him take the money and go on a dream surf trip with his family. aloha Jim, Tom