Jim the Genius Phillips "GREAT ZEUS"

**  Stumbled into this on EBay, 10K?  sammyA,  know you’ll love this, a hole in the vintage fin.**

**Here is the ad verbiage and link.**

“You probably never have seen this board and may not see one again. This is a VINTAGE “GREAT ZEUS” Surfboard shaped by Jim the Genius Phillips. Jim shaped thousands of boards over time but only made 50 of the GREAT ZEUS. This one is in great shape. Has the original fin and original hardware, that is also in great shape. How much is the board worth? Jims 1960s shapes and boards he worked on with names like Brewer, Noll and various other great of the past have sold for thousands. Details can be found in SAM RYANS 1960s surfboard guide. Values are from 17 years ago. I would say it is highly unlikely that there is another like this one around in the shape this one is in. If you a Phillips fan or looking for a once in a lifetime chance to get an original”. http://www.ebay.com/itm/291037434207


I’m currently working on a Murder Mistry Novel. An obsessed collector might killing off the great shapers of the 1950/60’s To drive up the prices of the Boards in his collection of raw gems.  But could it be the much over looked ghost shaper from that era, that now counterfeits the old master boards? If there is no-one to refute his fake Boards he stands to make millions. Then there is all those who are hold Grudges from long ago over stolen designs, stolen lovers or just to keep secrets that could destroy reputations.  
This is the dark under belly of Surfings Golden era.
It is up to Leilani Chan The beautiful former pro surfer turned detective. She is brilient with the gift handed down in her DNA. She is the Great Grand daughter of one of the most renowned detectives in history none other then Charlie Chan

can I pre-order on Amazon?  sign me up!

$10,000.00  Really???  Is that eBay listing a joke???  Can’t be serious…but hey everyone thinks they have gold.

I think anything that Jim handshaped should be worth $10,000. He’s earned it.

Mike he has earned it someone finding one at a garage sale buying it for $50 then asking $10,000 has not earned it

Huck, It will be on amazon soon and I only want 1/2 of what they are asking for the Board. 


Looks like a second gen FU fin. A hole in any old fin is not good, but it’s a removable fin which makes it less of an issue than if it was a glass-on.

Look at that seller’s other items. He’s got one board with a stock FU fin and he doesn’t know what it is. Plus, he’s unloading piles of Liquid Shredders and other silly floatation devices that are passed off as surfboards.

Quoting Sam Ryan’s collector guide is of little meaning, as the market for vintage boards took a nose dive when the economy tanked. It will be some time before any of his value estimates are relevant again.

How much are his collector’s item liquid shredders?


Liquid Shredders are at the low price of $224.99. Looks like he’s also selling $80 Costco Wavestorms for $275. Pretty sweet deals…

My Friend-----------  Your fiction may be closer to the truth than you realize.  Lowel

I wrote somthing 

and the system

ate it.Swaylox 2014.




Life goes on bra.

Check this D.T. Redwood Gun on eBay. Only $15,000.00


**That DT is one sick stick! Recently saw a performer shaped by Iggy for a movie about Dewey and a spendy bitch, but close to my heart. The burning question is why should others profit from what Donald, Harold or any other shaper has put their talents and hands on???**

**Hey Artz, let us know when your novel will hit!!! LMAO**


Most of the shapers of the collectable boards were not wealthy when they passed over to the big line up.  Now that they are gone what they one board might be worth more then what they had when they passed.  I would hope that some collectors would take note and turn over some of the profit they made to the estate or heirs of the shaper.  Yeah I’m dreaming,the world of collecting isn’t about the warm fuzzy feeling you get from owning something that you love.  Oh it usually starts that way. Then greed sets in. 

It’s the bigger fool theory if I paid $1000 some other fool will pay $2000,if $2000 why not ask $5000. The Artist the Creator of these objects are for the most part are long gone. The vale is enhanced by their death or inability to produce. It is the speculators and collectors that profit with little thought of honoring the talent by paying something to the those that were
part of the creators life.
I now relinquish my soap box.