Here’s the tail view. Today I planed the bottom to thickness, skinned the deck, but I had slight difficulty cutting at my forty deg angle planer cuts on deck there w flip…So I thought of an idea ! Cross cut at Forty deg angle about two rows of cuts on one side up towards nose cleaning it up. There’s a few marks I need to scrub out, but that will be dealt with when I turn rail bands after cutting out my outline. Fish tail will be last.
Anyway, I was a bit rusty planing, but
MIKE offered some awsum tips and I can now do reversals! Slow but steady seemed to get the job done. Again, thanks Mike! I’m thinking about mods ill shape in next. I think being it’s coming out well, I think I might just do the roll to v just to play it safe? If I get gutsy ill do spiral v out of doubles! Lol
For glassing ltr on, I think I want to do resin art, acid splash, or swirls of multi color mango green on bottom, a fade of yellow on deck to make a Retro Fish - with mango colors. I think ill put double foiled marine plywood keel fins on. So keep posted, im going to take plenty of photos of rail bands etc… etc… etc…
Johnmellor - thanks for those tips + tools you sent !!! They worked AWSUM ! That surform works sweet on ridges after planing ! Dunno, but the small size fits perfect in hand, and I was able to just nail um down ! Also, the big sanding block w/ firm flexy rubber helps knock down the bigger areas…then - Mike got me goin on longer sweeps w hard block sanding end to end as if a water flow…good tip there! HERE’S THE PIC OF MY NEW WEAPON! A Stock out of box -Hitachi p20sb. I got it at Sear’s online for $99.00 plus tax. We got it to cut 1/8" depth cuts ! I geuss these badboys can cut! I’m at two and three quarter thick, and that was only two passes on bottom, one on deck + surform + sanding.Anyway, I just thought I’d give FIVE STARS to HITACHI POWER PLANERS! For a backyarder, or even pro-it’ll get you by np at all, but I’ll have to dust it down in the am.
–BIG THANKS TO SWAYZ ! Dunno how I found the site? I think I heard shapers in industry some 30 yrs ago yapping about it…also, if I didn’t ever order a custom board I wouldn’t be here in the first place.A Toast to all who contribute ! --Jim
Gentlemen, I haven’t got the time to cover every step, but if you happen to have any questions -feel free to msg me.upfront, I’m not one of the more elite types who frown on help n ya out…answering questions even helps remind me of the art of shaping a phenomenal Surfboard. Nobody is the best, a master etc… shaping board’s is not an exact science. Your either good, or your not. But who really cares - I dont. I’m here to hang out, shape board’s, glass etc…
More about the build: the next steps are to cut out my design about 1/8" outside the line. I will then fine tune that with the surform + sanding block. It will look totally perfect, and then I’m off to the bottom contours and turning rails. Stay tuned.
Why I chose “21” wide? The answer is: I tried a shorter five eight x22.5" wide fish that just felt a bit too wide for me. At 21" wide I can take full control on quik directional turns in tight situations. I’ve had favorable speed and ample power on my first fish I bought as a custom yrs back. So I just had to build one myself! On this badboy, I’m going to put pavel keel fins on it, a coord loop, and I think I will set my fins at May be 6-8" up, and tow them In a bit, and the cant ill have to figure out ltr.any fin tips appreciated.
Gobs of v, or no v?