Joel Tudor Longboard??

Looks like you could have easily made that section if you were’nt stalling on the nose. I never understood why guys will sacrifice a good wave for a trick that (at least in this case) was not functional.


Ok “Proneman”. Yes, I’m sure that section was “makeable”, yet I had already been on the nose for a while and was maximizing the noseride. If I was on a shortboard, I would’ve probably pumped around the section. But I wasn’t. And I didn’t. I’d like to see what you “would’ve” done on this little 2’ day of mushburger slop…

I probably would have gone right…I don’t do to well going that direction!!

Have Fun,



bigbrother, i orderd a 9-8 bing from matt, im waiting for it, hope it shows up in time for x-mas.BTW , since it sounds like you ride one, could you tell me how good that board rides .is it as good of a noserider as people say?

The new Bing NR with slightly less nose concave and more tail rocker is the “cats meow” rides even better than the previous design. You will be pleasantly surprised. The thing is completely honed out.

Hey Ten, cool picture… I’d just figured at the end of that long nose ride you did one of those helicopter 360’s in the closeout whitewater… Bitchin!


Hey Ten, cool picture… I’d just figured at the end of that long nose ride you did one of those helicopter 360’s in the closeout whitewater… Bitchin!

Those are actually not as difficult as you would think.

Just grab your outside rail when the wave’s going to close out and push really hard. The fin releases itself (usually, unless its a huge fin) and you start riding backwards in the whitewash. Just walk up towards the center of the board and you’ll start to spin back.

I pictured a standing island pullout…

Hmmm… well I thought he had ran back from his 10, then cracked of a 4 foot air over the section. Oh well nice pic though. :slight_smile: -Carl

Me to Keith I think we just gave away are age.I still do em . KP

ya, that 10over is a young guy… probably never heard of one… ha ha!

coming to San Diego any time soon KP?

Ha! “Young” is a relative term…