Joel Tudor Surfbooards

I was just curious if anyone on this BB rides or has ridden any of Joel Tudors longbboards. I’ve seen a few around in shops but havent come across anyone who has ridden one. I believe they are shaped by Bill Shrosbee. They are rather interesting shapes to say the least.

I was just curious if anyone on this BB rides or has ridden any of Joel > Tudors longbboards. I’ve seen a few around in shops but havent come across > anyone who has ridden one. I believe they are shaped by Bill Shrosbee. > They are rather interesting shapes to say the least. Not the old Joel Tudor story again!!!

I heard that his boards have a smooth old school feel. They cut through the water instead of chattering on the surface.

I heard that his boards have a smooth old school feel. They cut through > the water instead of chattering on the surface. Please…

Please… That’s what I was told. I guess some people are sensitive to slight changes in board design while others can’t tell the difference from one board to the next.

Heres a link for some of JTs boards. Looks like hes made it to about 1974 so far. I figure hes about due for a Lis Fish period next&

Anyone read Japanese?

he even ripped off a few model names. bad karma…