Junior Swaylockers

3 junior Swaylockers had a bake sale yesterday and raised $27 for the Swaylocks Tsunami Relief Fund… sorry, no pictures, SOMEBODY is getting old and forgot the camera…

First you forget to pull your zipper up. Then you forget to pull your zipper down.

Did you at least remember to save us some cookies?

when last I looked there were a few dozen left - we made chocolate chip w/ nuts, oatmeal w/raisins, peanut butter, truffle, and lime pecan cookies, plus blueberry muffins, and apple crumb cake…

I may be forgetful but I like to cook!

Thanks for posting that Keith!, is great to see that Swaylocks spirit goes beyond surfing and shaping.


Bring some.

either that or I’ll make some fresh… mac nut, coconut macaroons, mmmmm… we’re going to cook out Sat. night for sure, maybe Fri night too. Who’s up for it?

If it involves food, arm twisting is not needed.

what? huh? food? where?

OK. I know Hobcawannie was up for a Friday cookout, prob. fresh fish bbq and ???. Ambrose, Kimo, the rest of you Kauai folk, if we build a campfire are you gonna show up?

If I may…

Some of my fond memories at the beach are of standing around the fire.I never gravitated to the bar .This swaylocks place in time is like a nice fire on the beach after getting out of the water after the sun goes away.The topic is always in flux, sombody is always capable an’ allowed to digress the commonality is obvious,Wally Frosieth said it well “the love of riding waves” has brought us together…and now this subculture of those who build surf tools to ply the the mallable membrane.This is an oppertunity to take control? nice thought …reach out grab some salt water if you cup your hands carefully hold still an’ look even more carefully your hands disapear and you can see your own reflection. gosh this is a swell fire Im glad you started it ,and you other guys tended it so well,not to mention thanks for littin’ me stand nex’ to it. Like new wood off the beach it can be a little wet,it may smoke a little before it really get going , thats why you move arround to the other side of the fire…to get out of the smoke.Squeeze your fingers tight and not only does the water spill it might put out the fire.Gosh this is a swell fire I dont know any body that wants to be President do you ? I love this aboriginal ecological nitch The sun is coming up around here I think its time to go look at the waves Ill see you guys later I’ll look for some wood your friend ambrose thanks again for sharing the warmth of the fire and aloha.”

“Best Of” Swaylocks post (c) 2003 brought to you by Ambrose.

I’m there. What can I bring for the cook out?

bring anything you like to eat or drink! teri chicken, beer, sushi, fruit, hot dogs, it don’t matter…

If you build it, we will come. But I refuse to play baseball.

OK. I wasn’t planning on baseball anyway, but we can all pretend we are Shoeless Joe just for fun. Bring a guitar or frisbee or something then!