junod longboard

what does junod charge for a custom board? how about other shapers in that area? mel? thanks for any info, thanks for all the info benny

9’6" or so, single stringer, clear, one finbox…you’re looking at $600-700 from Junod, Rice, Haut, Mel…can’t go wrong with any of them.

Although it sometimes looks like Rice puts 2+1 style rockers on single fin boards which seems weird to me. I rode a friend’s 9’8" once and it could have done with less rocker, but maybe it was just a first impression but I have seen others of his like that…ask for relaxed rocker if you get a Rice single fin.

what does junod charge for a custom board?


Not enough for what you get.

Michele Junod is one of the few “shapers” that is versed in the use of shaping tools, he was the next youngster to take up the reins from Carl “Tinker” West after I had moved on.

Michele’s surfing abilities, combined with his shaping, put him at the top of the list for a desired shaper

Not enough for what you get.

I absolutely agree. That entire list is guys who should be getting the $1500 that some others do, if not more.

I was talking about that with my wife a couple days ago. She’s got a double degree - fine arts & art history. I challenged her to think of anything else that’s hand made, has no moving parts, must be completely aesthetically pleasing yet also work perfectly for its intended use - and for which the craftspeople who conspired to make it got paid about the equivalent of minimum wage. Its nuts. I don’t know how you guys do it professionally. Good on ya for seeing it through to where it works.