Here’s my 4th board. Shaped it, glassed it, sanded it, blah blah blah…It’s just a funky little 6’0" single fin I came up with. Looks orange in the picture, but it’s actually more of a “burnt yellowish” color…Thanks for everyone’s help (again)…
That’s a neat little board. Looks like fun. What are you thinking in terms of a fin? MIke
ONE big one, I hope.
nice job…did you make that for yourself to ride? let us know how it rides…
Yup, it’s for me. And LeeD is right on the money…One big fat 11" fin.
Nice job on the orange color. Tough color to make even.
Thought you would have made a wider nose, like 19", so you can noseride it …like 10, not cheater 5’s.
Now you can try V fins, starfins, and maybe make your own sabre 13"ers.
Good stuff!
I have enough round noses already…I really like the shape of this thing, it’s kind of just, I don;t know…WEIRD. I forgot about a star fin! That would be awesome…Anyone have one they want to lend or sell?
i have one…but i’m not lettin’ it go…I LOVE IT!
Good looking board TenOver, I like the tint job and the outline.
Just came in for a break and saw your post after pulling tape on some pinlines on a similar outline I’ve been working on for myself. 6’2 . 16.5 x 20.5 x 15. Epoxy.
Fins? Twins, big flexy single, StarFin, GG Paddle and others. Thanks posting the pics.
Tom S.
Looks like a fun board. Dig how the nose is, although not round, not pointy either. I have a funny aversion to pointy noses. By the way, I think Solosurfer carries starfins on his site…