has anyone worked with this cloth. any advantages, disadvantages?
Teddy, I have worked with a 5.5oz k-glass here in australia I have found that it provides excellent strength over the length of the board.But for me the cons outweigh the pros.Its not a very clear fabric so your laps will look dirty and it doesn’t wet out as easy as 6oz also it doesn’t have the impact resistence of 6oz I’ve found that it works quite well as the first layer on the deck as you are cutting it off level with the bottom rail line it doesn’t show an ugly lap line.It also is fine to use with pigments and tints and here in OZ it’s around 40% cheaper than 6oz.This is just my experience, maybe someone else has something to add… Best of luck
what’s your favorite cloth to work with? not including the cost factor.
has anyone worked with this cloth. any advantages, disadvantages? I used it exclusively for 3 years, other than the cost of 3.60 a yd, I didn’t really see much of a strength difference. It’s supposed to be 50% s glass
4oz it’s easy to wet out easy to sand light and doesn’t take much resin but that being said it aint that strong for longboards.For the mals I like 6x4+6 .