Any of you guys try to glass at night and had the kamikaze bug problem? I was about to laminate the bottom of my board and it got dark and all of a sudden i had gnats everywhere. All of them divebombing the shiny white fiberglass. Good thing i didnt mix any resin…must be from all the rain we had here in hawaii.
Gnats blood sacrifice are of ceremonial significance…the oppertunity may not have passed wait till tomorrow nite and the gnat bloom and see how many gnats you can get into tthe glass joub who needs grafix when you got bugs…ambrose …the spirit of the sacrifice bugs make the board fly
I have the same problem with bugs landing on the glass job. What I do is put a fan on lightly on the board while I am glassing. This dissables their landing capabilities. Like low cost airlines they dont seem to be able to land in high winds. Once I am done glassing I switch the fan off. Those that land while the glass is drying can be blown off with a compressor or brushed off.
I do all my glassing outside and had this problem with bugs and leaves falling onto the board, I even had a bird land on it once. I bought a cheap screened tent, 10X12, and that solved the problem.
Here’s what i do: I catch a couple to set an example. I torture a few them by roughing them up, then I hang em. When i’m done with that I put there little bodies on shiskabob stakes in front of the glassing shack the rot in the sun. The rest of the bugs see this horrid sight and run back or fly to the bushes and trees where they belong. It’s worked for thousands of years on all sorts of stuff, works like a charm on gnats too!
They were most likely sent by your radical neighbors. I recommend a pre-emtive strike. Use raid, malathion, DDT, and/or napalm on your neighbors yard to disuade further transgressions.