keel templates

I’m just about to email some templates to some mates here in oz. They are some I have drawn / modified , whatever , so they may be a bit different to the originals.

I was thinking …

if any of you wanted to receive them too , feel free to pm me your email address , and I’ll be more than happy to send them to you also .

They won’t be to scale , but I’ve written the dimensions on them , so with some hi-tech device like a photocopier , you could enlarge them to the desired size …

( Me being the non-techno guy I am , when it comes to the compoooter , there’s probably some programme that does the same thing free , which I don’t even know about eh ? )


Hey Chipfish, that’d be really cool. My email is .

Hi ChipFish ,

Thanks for sharing ur knowledge , my email add :

Respect …

…coming your way guys !

[ by the way , email addresses in ‘pms’ might be the go guys , for safety’s sake .]


sorry Joel ,

yours got returned …something about not being “a valid email address” …do you have another you could send , by any chance ? [pm me mate if you like…]

… cheers !


Hey Chip

Wouldn’t it be better to put them in the resources section of this site so everyone can get a copy…

upload 'em one at a time ? [or, is there a better way ?]

They are too big to fit three to a scanner screen , as I was able to do with my “greenpin” 5’7 photos …

If anyone knows how to do it , and if the moderators don’t mind , then please feel free to whack 'em [the keels, not the moderators!] in the resources section for me .

… cheers !


Thanks for the e-mail Chip!

I really like the white keel with 7 1/2" base, 4" Depth. And also the “ruff replica” in pink.

Are those plastic templates? you could probably foil some and make them real fins.

Thanks again.


Thanks for doing this for us all. My e-mail is:

Mahalo, O.J.

I’ll be glad if you can send that to me!

My email is

Thank you very much chipfish…


Thanks for the e-mail Chip!

I really like the white keel with 7 1/2" base, 4" Depth. And also the “ruff replica” in pink.

Are those plastic templates? you could probably foil some and make them real fins.

Thanks again.


you’re welcome buddy !

yes , I want to make that one next…

cardboard templates.

my intention is , over the next year , Hicksy and family and neighbours and my …er…“schedule” [yeah right!] permitting , to work my way through ALL these templates, one by one !

Here’s where I thought each of you guys might like to help …

if everyone I’ve heard from [thanks for your replies so far !!] picked a number and let me know which one they made …

within , say , a few months , maybe ALL these templates will have been tested on various fishes in various waves in [hopefully!] many locations around the WORLD !!

…Just an idea I had , anyway …

I would be really interested to hear / see what templates and what fish combos people come up with , since I missed out on the cali “fish fry[e]” event , unfortunately …

cheers !


if anyone wants to , please feel free to let me know if you would be keen to participate in that ‘experiment’ , eh ?

JoshL …sorry mate , but the email returned to me …do you have another address , please ?

cheers !


Keel 1 and 2

Keel 3 and 4

Keel 5 and 6

Aloha Ben…

Don’t know why it didn’t work. Thanks again.

Keel 7 and 8

Keels 9 and 10


Thought I’d put these up to test if they can be put into the resources section… let me know if these pics are OK.


well , there ya go ‘oahu surfer’ …don’t have to worry about your emails being returned anymore eh ?!

edit…a couple are missing , Cam !!

okay , keel 3 : -

and keel 5 : -

…there ya go !

more to come , stay tuned …


Curently I’ve been doing really sharp knifey like fins, heres the keel version…

keels 11 to 13 : -

keels 14 -16 : -

this is the ORIGINAL keel off a Michael Mackie fish …


…the biggest TWIN keel template I’ve ever seen …

here’s one for a fin box … I think if / when I ever make two of these, I will use a trailer with them…


Curently I’ve been doing really sharp knifey like fins, heres the keel version…

Ouch, that’d slice right though an esky lid in no time :slight_smile: