What would happen if I sprayed Krylon acrylic spray paint on the cured lam and then hotcoated it? Would the hotcoat bond to the lam or would it eventually chip off? I decided at the last minute to color this board and I just wanted to know the options. peace
acrylic spray will be fine to use. just make sure it is water-based. the board will have a resin tinted look to it. meaning you will prob. see the cloth strands. if you want more of a smooth flat spray…i would hot coat the board, sand it, then spray the color of your choice. after spraying the color, spray the board in a clear acrylic coat. good luck…
acrylic spray will be fine to use. just make sure it is water-based. the > board will have a resin tinted look to it. meaning you will prob. see the > cloth strands. if you want more of a smooth flat spray…i would hot coat > the board, sand it, then spray the color of your choice. after spraying > the color, spray the board in a clear acrylic coat. good > luck… Krylon under waxed resin don’t work. it fish eyes out terrible, tried it to keep a hot coat airbrush design from smudging. Use a product called “Break Through”
What do you mean by “fish eyes out?” only Krylon causes this?
What do you mean by “fish eyes out?” only Krylon causes this? Krylon must have some silicones or other mutant species in it that makes it so uncompatible with resin. By fish eyes, I mean little circlular depressions that are free of resin in the centers. The resin repels away from what ever is in the spray.
thanks for following up Jim. get started on the glassing vid’s yet? this series will be legendary…
What do you mean by “fish eyes out?” only Krylon causes this? You do realize, that this Coral territory? … Don’t you?.. have fun [blush]
You do realize, that this Coral territory? … Don’t you?.. have fun [blush] Sorry for trespassing but I have another question… It sounds like spraying under the hotcoat with anything can lead to problems, but if I sprayed on top of the hotcoat after the sanding, I would need a clear coat of acrylic over the paint right? How thick should that coat be and how should I sand it? It seems like that would chip easier than if it were just sprayed under the hotcoat but I dont know. peace
Hey, Jim!..where can I get the stuff?! Automotive, Art supply, Paint store?! Will they know what I’m asking for? Leads? Thank-you, very much! T.