LA or Diego?

Fixed it for you…

i dont quite understand what you meen?

Fixed it:

I got rid of the seals...therefore the sharks are gone. Surfing in San Diego is one of the safest spots on the planet!! Once again Resinhead in the Sealslayer 2000 patrols the coast from Dolphin Tanks to Boomers.....fixing Nature, putting thing back in balance. 

Mothers from as far away as Carlsbad or even El Centro in their pimped out 2009 Ford Excursions loaded with Soft top SUP surfboards for junior and his 4 friends can once again paddle out at Bigrock with out any problems from Mother nature.  Let the Chineese SUP's flow from the warehouses in National City...cost $300.00, retail $500.00 how many do you want sir!

We control nature....we control the line up. Not the sharks & seals!

Hey Resin,

Now you need to move on to Humbolt slaying. Had about 20 juveniles (2-3 Ft with Tentacles) harassing the line up at PB pumphouse this AM. Luckily most ended up beaching themselves and dying in a flash of bio-luminescence. They had herded all the bait fish in from the kelp bed. I see this as a direct threat to the surfers since the sharks will be following all this action.

How about conditions? North OC and South Bay is blown out in the summer afternoons while SD offers many point breaks that can handle a bit of wind much better. 

I'm on my way!  I hate testicles!!!

Huntigton beach would be your best choice, notrh or south side of the pier (everyone is friendly and helpful towards tourists).  Just remember that just south of Huntington the is 13 miles of coast line with absolutly no waves until you get to Laguna beach.  Any where from laguna south to the border is great and any where from huntington north is awsome, just not in between.

When you get to LA you have to try Malibu.  It’s a classic.  Not surfing Malibu when visitng LA would be like going to South Africa and not surfing J Bay.

Looking pretty damn good!


Zooming in…



Ah, reality…


pics pilfered from erBB.

San Diego - LA = Crystal Meth Labs, Gangs, Perma Stoned Airheads, Demon Posessed Rich Kids in PV will damage your car and throw rocks at you.

People are scarier than the sharks.


Go straight to Baja Norte: Avoid the border at dusk, night or dawn. Once you get about 100 miles south of California it becomes more civil.

You will have better waves and fewer crowds.

Your at least 35 years late on California: Rincon, Malibu, South Bay, Huntington, Newport, Laguna, San Clement, North San Diego, South San Diego were all good at one time however the dream is over gone for good never to return. Sad but true.

BAJA Mexico is the next frontier until we have houses from Tijuana to Cabo so you need to get it while you can.


sad but true…


Your at least 35 years late on California: Rincon, Malibu, South Bay, Huntington, Newport, Laguna, San Clement, North San Diego, South San Diego were all good at one time however the dream is over gone for good never to return. Sad but true.


Yeah... and about 10 years too late for the night scene.  Last time I hit Malibu after dark there were over thirty other boards out there (scary).  It was great back in the '90's -- nobody did it back then.

thanks guys but im not really worried about people though im from abbotsford in bc which is home to three major gangs and such which show up to my school with semi autos looking for their dealers that havent paid them but im looking forword to going to SD and all around that area, it will be an adventure hahahah

If you can swing it, rent a car in San Diego and surf your way north of Point Conception. You can easily identify tons of different surf spots simply through common internet sites and books, etc. The California coast is crazy long and it would be a shame if all you saw was San Diego or Los Angeles. Water north of Point Conception can be really cold though in the Spring so have a 4/3 and booties on hand if you go that route.

that’s Malibu with all those people in the way???I’d rather deal with sharks and reefs,no joke.Hey,there are direct flights from Vancouver to Maui!