Laird's Latest !!

One reason Leroy Ah Choy might not have been given his due was he was > involved in a murder at rocky point In the late 60’s or early 70’s. I’m > somewhat foggy about exactly what year it happened.Aloha Kokua Kokua, Actually, I believe that was Bobby, not Leroy who was involved in the murder you refer to. Bobby was “away” for a long time. Leroy had his problems, but I do not think the North Shore incident involved him.

hahahahah!!! yeah right. an air mattress for WHAT?? for camping, yes. for > any real surfing, hardly. that`s funny. get real, guys. Well, I guess you should have a look at these sites : and find out for yourself … Surf mats have been around for a while and seem to be serious surfing gear (although I didnt get the chance to try one yet), I remember a great article in Surfer’s journal about it. Pierre

Well, I guess you should have a look at these sites : > >>>> and find out for yourself …>>> Surf mats have been around for a while and seem to be serious surfing gear > (although I didnt get the chance to try one yet), I remember a great > article in Surfer’s journal about it.>>> Pierre I just came back from a situation where I would have loved to have had a mat. Went to Central America, no way I could bring a board and none avaialable in the area and came across a beautiful point break with 6-8 ft lefts peeling across a little bay. Two guys out! If I’d brought a mat & fins with me rolled up in my suitcase I’d have had a ball. Those folks who think that surfing means only riding a surfboard are missing alot. I’ll ride anything if’s its appropriate and I have em’ all. Surfboard (short and long), kneeboard, boogie, and even a friggin kayak, which I’ve had a blast with surfing in storm surf. I don’t have a mat but I’m thinking of getting one of Dale’s after my experience in Cent.America.

Yo Boomer, don’t knock what you haven’t tried…I used to think like you but then I tried it (unfortunately, the first one’s not free). You know what’s a drag…minds are more closed now than they were 30-40 years ago. There’s more to life than a 6’2" squash thruster… Newbs

Kokua, Actually, I believe that was Bobby, not Leroy who was involved in > the murder you refer to. Bobby was “away” for a long time. Leroy > had his problems, but I do not think the North Shore incident involved > him. You are probably right,I’m a little foggy after 30 plus years. Aloha Kokua

hahahahah!!! yeah right. an air mattress for WHAT?? for camping, yes. for > any real surfing, hardly. that`s funny. get real, guys. I have this reoccurring dream that I can fly… I dream that I’m walking along when suddenly my body begins to tingle and my footsteps become light and billowy. The friction between the soles of my feet and the hard earth fades away. I feel like I’m sliding on the delicate surface of a soapy bubble of air. I can sense the force of gravity being lifted from my shoulders. My pace quickens as single strides begin to cover yards of distance. Faster. The wind blows in my face. I lean forward into the air current and glide. Faster. Cool droplets of moisture momentarily splash against my skin only to evaporate in a trail of vapor behind me. Faster. Hovering inches above the ground I race across miles of grassy fields and rolling hills. At full speed, the objects just below my nose flash by in a blur. I hear nothing except for the breath of the wind as it hisses past my ears. Effortless. Dreamlike. When I awake from my sleep, I can still feel the cool breeze and hear the faint echo of that familiar hissing sound. It takes a moment for my body to come back down to reality. Riding a surfmat is the closest I’ve come to actually living out this fantasy. It’s almost like flying. Effortless. Dreamlike.