Laminating a noob out please

This is my first board. Been reading up for a bit. Started my project. Everything seemed to be gong good with the laminating. I did the bottom with a free lap…unfortunately I wasn’t able to get all the rails “wet” so there were a few dry spots on the rails. I figured they would be saturated when I did the deck since the rails would overlap so I let it dry completely. Sanded the lap down so the deck cloth would be snag free…laminated the deck 2 x 6 oz cloth but again didn’t have enough resin in some areas…yes total noob I know…I did it before work so I had to kinda hurry and couldn’t really touch up the dry spots with more resin. Anyways the glass completely dried up as well and now I have what looks like a big mess. First there are dry spot patches on the deck and second overlap on the bottom from the deck cloth is partially blended because the rails weren’t fully soaked. I’m not sure what to do here… I was thinking of using styrene mixed with lam resin and coating the board again…or should I razor blade and do patches…or is there another way? .any suggestions?

Some photos would help to see the extent of the damage.


Some photos would help to see the extent of the damage.


I'll second that. 

And an occasional paragraph break helps too!  =)

Heres the pics. Sorry for the read haha. I was using my ipad and just started typing away

Terrible/ugly glass job I know…Next time I know more so what to do

Try not to laugh to hard haha

on the bottom laps

wet them out with resin

re flood and sqeegee the deck

let it cure, move on

 learn for the next

You need to use a lot more resin for laminating, and learn how to wet laps. Look at some youtube videos if you can’t go to a shop and watch in person.  Fixing this current mess isn’t going to be a “touch-up” process.  Hotcoat both sides then sand away the dry cloth and any other irregularities until everything is smooth and there’s no shiny spots (80 grit). If there’s any voids, apply some resin/filler and re-sand those areas.  Then, after you’ve got a better handle on the lamination process, put a single layer of 4 oz on each side and hotcoat again.  It’ll be heavy, but this is what most 1st boards are like.

Make sure you are laminating with something of decent size to catch resin coming off the deck. This is imparative in my opinion. Go to the dollar store and get something long, like a rectangle. that way when you flood your rails you can catch more of it. Think of the plastic shoe containers. Those are great for learning to laminate, you can catch a LOT of resin in those guys. You can lam that board with 14 ounces on the bottom and 20 on the top if its not all hitting the floor.