…actually two questions. Tinted lamination seems to be less of a problem with paper “logo lams” than opaque laminations, right? I tested a tinted yellow last night and the black ink lam worked fine, but what problems do you run into when using a opaque colors with laminates? On the same topic, for the beginner is an opaque color lamination going to present problems depending on the type of cloth (warp E Hexcel vs. Volan)used? I’ve seen some splotchy looking opaque laminations that seemed to be due to the type of cloth used. Thanks for any info or shared experience on this. http://www.thirdcoastsurf.com
If you try to put a logo under opaqued color,Let me say this in advance,"where’s your lable at ?,Oh okay it’s that dark spot.Tints are see thru,opaques are solid colors(non-transparent).If you use opaques you need to put the label on top after you lam.
If you try to put a logo under opaqued color,Let me say this in > advance,"where’s your lable at ?,Oh okay it’s that dark spot.Tints > are see thru,opaques are solid colors(non-transparent).If you use opaques > you need to put the label on top after you lam. So, apply the lam on top of the opaque lamination with light 4oz patch covering it, then hot coat as usual? http://www.thirdcoastsurf.com
So, apply the lam on top of the opaque lamination with light 4oz patch > covering it, then hot coat as usual? …Yes,you can do it that way,in the olden days we use to lam the bottom with single 6oz. cutlap opaque,then inlay a cutlap panel(opaque) on the deck(single 6oz.),put your logo/lam down ,and put another layer of 6oz. clear freelap.REMEMBER, it will leaves a lump so if you are putting the logo on the bottom don’t over sand!Herb.