Lap Disaster - Suggestions please

Made a bit of a cock up whilst glassing the deck of a board which is for a friend, 7ft mal. Bit of a rookie mistake but a learning experience none the less.

The weather here in the UK has been pretty damn cold over the last few weeks and i couldn't get the garage up to a good temp. I searched for advice and it was suggested on sways that the resin could be warmed. I think i may have warmed it a little too much because it went off in about half the time it normally does and i was stuck having not got the laps on one side down. I swiftly mixed up another batch and tried to get them down asap. I got them down but unfortunately the original batch had already geled and left some ridges under some sections of the lap (just below mid rail, approx 1.5 inch from edge of lap). I acted quickly before it had fully set and cut 2, 6-inch long sections (1-2 inch wide) off the rail lap and knifed off the lumps.

I am now left with 2 'gaps' on the one rail where the glass finishes at  the apex of the rail rather than on the bottom surface. I sanded them down and was prepared to patch them up with cloth but i was wondering if i could just hot coat over the top? Will these 2 half lap sections present a significant weakness in the board or show up cosmetically? The deck has 6 + 4 oz glass job, single 6oz on the bottom.

Any advice on sorting this would be greatfully recieved.

fill them in with cloth patches

blend them into the other glass

baste them with a resin syrene blend and then hot coat

they just may dissapear

you need the cloth wraping the rail

it still may be a weak area but not as much as if you just hot coated the area's



Thanks for the advice, i followed your instructions and it seems to have come out pretty sweet. I'm going to be a bit more careful with my glassing temps in the future.



glad to be of service,,, thats what Sway's is all about

Hey Nopain, yes, leaving the lap unpatched is a risk.


The pressure that buckles a board will find the weakest point, and thats where a break starts. No lap at all would be one thing, but a stronger bit with bits missing makes a weak point.


My philosophy with regard to any breaks in continuity of fibre anywhere in a board is "Be Paranoid"