
how do you achieve perfect laps other than taping off and using an angle grinder??? is there another way that some of you guys are getting nice clean laps without this setup??? thanks

how do you achieve perfect laps other than taping off and using an angle > grinder??? is there another way that some of you guys are getting nice > clean laps without this setup??? thanks …with lam resin before hotcoating ,this gives you some room to work with.And/or,you can use a lite wt sander,and a medium 6" pad with 80 grit to grind down your laps if you don’t have a angle grinder.Herb

im talking about with color work on the bottom. how do you get your laps so good that you dont need to use a pinline to “cover up” any squiggles or such. thanks a lot.

im talking about with color work on the bottom. how do you get your laps > so good that you dont need to use a pinline to “cover up” any > squiggles or such. thanks a lot. …That my friend comes down to skill and practice,even for me ,when I haven’t done one in awhile I find myself cursing the dreaded lapline.Herb

i don’t do cut laps still havent worked that one out yet! But as herb said in the prev message, after glassing the deck let the laps part dry hopefully they wont look to bad, i let any strands that have pulled hang while glassing then i cut them off and then flatten the hang spot out. Then mix up some lam resin i use about 100-200gms, 3-4cc wax and 3-4 of catalyst dont use any more wax than this else you will sand right thru , i accidentally put to much in the other night and found myself doing a lot of hand sanding! Now coat the lam resin with a 4in brush along the line and let it fully dry then you can sand it (big long strokes else, you will have craters all the way up the board, you only have to make a flat edge on the lap line the rest will cover with your hotcoat. good luck paul