
what is the best way to sand your laps when you have airbrush work done right under/next to it. i tried the sanding block and i kept tipping it and the edge would scrap my color. P.S. kokua fiberglass did you mail those jigs for me? thanks austin

…Stay off the edge for a few boards,then progressively move closer to it.A lap grinder is the best after lam method.Also,basting the rail line will help. I like to clean up as much of the lap as I can before it gets to stiff.If your lam is really,really clean you won’t have to sand,just razor off a few nubs,and pointys.Herb

…Stay off the edge for a few boards,then progressively move closer to > it.A lap grinder is the best after lam method.Also,basting the rail line > will help. I’m sorry Mr. Spitzer … I keep telling the kids up the street that you mean lamination. Not lamb. They’re saying that stuff about boots, and sheep! Now I’m having trouble explaining the razor part. Some of those girls have just started shaving(their legs, … I think they mean), nubs and pointys?? My sister muttered something about bikini wax as she closed the door to the bathroom. Sounds like this could get hairy! I’ll ask Tom or Richard. They’ll know … You be good!! … have fun>>> I like to clean up as much of the lap as I can before it gets to stiff.If > your lam is really,really clean you won’t have to sand,just razor off a > few nubs,and pointys.Herb

ok, when Coral gets more hits than Herb I start to worry.>>> I’m sorry Mr. Spitzer … I keep telling the kids up the street that you > mean lamination. Not lamb. They’re saying that stuff about boots, and > sheep! Now I’m having trouble explaining the razor part. Some of those > girls have just started shaving(their legs, … I think they mean), nubs > and pointys?? My sister muttered something about bikini wax as she closed > the door to the bathroom. Sounds like this could get hairy! I’ll ask Tom > or Richard. They’ll know … You be good!! … have fun

oh yeah, and we love you man!!!>>> I’m sorry Mr. Spitzer … I keep telling the kids up the street that you > mean lamination. Not lamb. They’re saying that stuff about boots, and > sheep! Now I’m having trouble explaining the razor part. Some of those > girls have just started shaving(their legs, … I think they mean), nubs > and pointys?? My sister muttered something about bikini wax as she closed > the door to the bathroom. Sounds like this could get hairy! I’ll ask Tom > or Richard. They’ll know … You be good!! … have fun

what is the best way to sand your laps when you have airbrush work done > right under/next to it. i tried the sanding block and i kept tipping it > and the edge would scrap my color.>>> P.S. kokua fiberglass did you mail those jigs for me?>>> thanks austin I was putting together some info to include with jigs and will mail today. When you wrap the rails during lay-up just squeegee the excess resin on to the foam along the lap line. This acts like a shield on the paint and you can sand,file, razor, or grind the lap without hitting the paint, just use a little finesse and you’ll be O.K… Aloha, Kokua