8 metres @ 14 sec for next Tuesday
Slight chance of 50 knot onshores coming with it?
50 knot offshores in Wgtn
Howzit Karl,8 meters is like 24 ft right, so 24 ft at 14seconds is a big wind swell that must be not to far away. Ideal would be 14 ft at 24 seconds, that would be a nice clean big swell. Aloha,Kokua
It is all pretty relative. A friend of mine from southern Victoria would dismiss swells under 14 seconds as short period. On the Gold Coast, a swell with a period over 12 second period is something of a rarity (mostly between 8-10 seconds). 14 seconds would be a very good straight lined long groundswell. 24 second waves would really be a sight.
wow i’m surprised by that – i’d have thought yr swell was like here — if the period’s under 13 secs i lacks juice usually, close-prox, wind-generated – decent swell is anything over 15 secs, up to 18-19 sec… and wave faces would range from head high to X2 oh.
We surf the fetch alot in my part of NZ. But we’d also consider a good groundy anything between 12 and 18 secs. This forecast is now 5m @ 16 secs. Whatever arrives it’ll max out my local breaks…
The sites below give an idea of the period/wave size. Our fetch is generally much smaller than say South or West Australia that may get swells that have traveled 1000s of km over open ocean, uninterrupted by an land mass.