Hi, I just picked up a Kane Garden 6’8" classic twin keel fish and took it out for its first spin yesterday in waist high east coast beach break. I really enjoyed the combination of extra glide, lower nose rocker and the speed of the board down the line. The board based on the first session appears much more user friendily than my 6’4" pavel twin keel. I purchased the used KG thinking it would be a good stepping-stone to get the pavel wired, however after yesterday experience I am thinking I might just enjoy the overall ride of the KG (due to extra glide). Any comment on bigger fish in general and people’s experience riding both types of fish. I am not particularly interested in “getting vert” with the fish- more interested in down the line speed, making sections and working on cutties. Thanks for the input.
Sounds like you answered your own question. Beeg feeshes work good, although I found you can ride them much shorter that you think you are able. I still have a 6-6. My current favorite is a six footer and I have a 5-8 I havn’t had in the water yet because it’s been too big for a fishy. Mike
The first board I made, after not surfing for twenty some years, was a 7 foot “fish”(whale)(xps/epoxy). It could catch waves even if there weren’t any. It was like piloting the Exxon Valdeeeeeeez. Except , I could surf it drunk and not cause an environmental disaster. It was 23" wide, flat bottom, double foiled 9x7 keels. If I got everyone to one side of the board, it would eventually turn. Caught a lot of waves and had some fun.
So, I’m making a 6-4 fish for myself soon and was wondering about the fins and bottom on the KG. Is it flat , vee, or concave ? Are the keel fins single or double foiled ?
All the KG fishes I have seen had plywood double foiled keels. I never looked that hard at the bottoms, but they seem pretty simple. Flat, maybe a bit of concave down the center between the fins.
I got a 6’8" twin keel fish made by Roger Hinds (country) in June. It’s not as thick as I expected - i discussed my height/weight/wave prefs with him and let him decide thickness ( 2.75"). I’ve been really happy with it though-- catches waves easy, turns nice (and tighter than expected), glides over flats, comes off the top nice too. I think the thinner board helps keep it from feeling like a boat. This is my first fish, so nothing to compare to though.
Have any of you guys got some photos of your big fishes. I’m currently glassing a 6’6" fish which i shaped a couple of weeks ago and am quite interested as i haven’t seen to many other big fishes.
Cheers KS
Kitesurfer - PM me with yr email and i’ll send you pics of my 6’8" fish. “Boards-n-Fins” also has/had a Country Fish about 6’6" or 6’8" - both our boards are posted at surfermag.com – anyhow, you shoot me a PM and I’ll send back pics.
I will try to post photos of my 6’8" Kane Garden Classic fish and 6’4" Rainbow Pavel for comparision sometime this weekend.
Cheers guys, what are the fin inserts you’re using there 9N78W and how thick is the green fish? Have PM you my email.
Cheers KS
yea I after I asked you to PM with info, I thought heck it’s just as easy to post, and maybe others are intersted.
the green board is 2.75" thick, and the rails are pretty thin. I looked for a pic that would show you the rail contours, but don’t have any.
I’ve heard a lot of people talking about how larger fish shapes can feel like a “boat”. Most of the fish I’ve seen, and those are only in pics, seem to be beefier/thicker like 3" throughout and much shorter. However, I think cuz my fish’s relatively thin i don’t get the boaty feel.
Further, the boxes are Probox Hawaii, which I’d never seen before either, but which I’m very pleased with. they have fore/aft adjustments, as well as cant adjustments you can do – check out their website – it’s got some good info and downloads. I recall them being very economical too. ( and you can used FCS fins in them) And making fins and installing boxes for them is suppdly easy cuz they’re flat - the cant is adjusted by using an removable insert.
Hey guys,
Yeah my fish is also 2 3/4" thick and it’s for someone who surfs hardly ever and just wants a fun board that’s not too big like a minmal but still easy to catch waves with.
Cheers ks
Hey all,
I shaped my real big fish (6’9x22) for super small waves, but I’ve been riding it in all kinds of stuff for the last few months and it’s proven to be one of my favorite boards. It’s 2 5/8" thick, and the double concave, thinner rails, thin tail, and turbo fins keep it lively, and the glide from the longer, wider board is insane!
Definitely more like a fish than a boat.
Just returned from snowboarding and have just fitted the fins to the big fish. Sanding tonight and tomorrow, will have some photos to show you guys on monday.
Cheers KS
Have any of you guys got some photos of your big fishes. …quite interested as i haven’t seen to many other big fishes.
Cheers KS
here ya go Chris …this one should fit in your famous pink van !
cheeeerrrrrsssss , MMMMMAAAAATE !
Finshed the big fish. Not strictly a twin keel as i’ve set-up for single fin, thruster or twin fins. Would love to hear your opinions.
Cheers KS