>>>>>>>>>last call for fins/surfing is about to change<<<<<<<<<<<

well guys,

my finless induction board is finished and tested.


i have pics,and… soon, to be vids.


it doesn’t work as good as a finned board.


it works better…like the difference between…a flintlock( finned board)…an ak-47 (my little finless friend).

it’s not only the best of both worlds…but does away with so many hang-ups that fins create.


randy french,wanna buy the prototype ?




ps.might need help getting the pics on site.i have them in a file,but either this site or my computer won’t let me even change my icon pic…oh well…herb




This sounds totally cool.

awesome! can’t wait to see this. PM me and I’ll give you my email. I’ll put 'em up for you

Herb I think you’re the sort of person NASA should send into outer space. Maybe a trip to Mars? Would you vounteer if given the chance?


I see it works in the pool,,,,,

does it work in the ocean?

Ha Ha Ha !!!  just messin with ya Herb

hey we need to do some surfin ,,, you game?   

Herb, maybe we need to meet up at Church sometime and I can snap a few pics. The only problem is that I can only get out there in the afternoon during the week. Or you could come to AB3 this Sunday and show it off to everyone. The new board sounds creative… as usual. 

I just saw this on surfermag’s forum, is this it?


















On another thread, board by Robert

I think that was a runner up, a first prototype

ab3 sounds good…if i have time…where?

guess i’ll have to look into it.

the board that ghosty posted is in the surf heritage museum(donated).

it has only a small part of my now new prototype.


sure mark,

if i could get a deal to help out my friends and families, that are suffering from today’s bad times.

i’m in.




lol !

i read the thread on surfer.com.

just as i guessed it…everyone is focused on the little side wings,which ,really is the least important part of that board…i put those on as an experiment…sure !!  …but really as a red herring…and it worked…lol.

the pass halls thru the board are the real gift/treasure…here… in those photos on surfer.com.



We all noticed the bonzer fins too Herb.  It's just that we probably see a whole lot more bonzer fins than we see rail fins.

sorry gws,


no ill intended.


what i was refering to is the “holes/ports” in the board…that’s the key to my new finless induction board.

as soon as i can,i’ll get some closer shots for you to see,maybe ghosty can help in that department again.



I was looking at a marlin lure and thought of that last night. Ported boards. Would increase rigidity/strength too yeah? Like the way arches create strength, honeycombs etc.. DAMMIT.

which is best cutlefish or yellowfin tuna

giant squid are king !



this concept is nothing new to me.


about 6 years ago i came up with a board for sky divers…one you can fly and land w/o using a chute…

…i called it a,“skyplane”.


a larger aero/space company and the govt. came in an took it over…it disappeared like a shawdow thru glass.


this ,“spitzer finless induction board” is based on very simular principals,but tamed down for water use.

this prototype has been thru over 1000 configurations ,most in my head,and have spanned 20 years or more of thought.


plus there are so many ave.'s to take w/ this design that it opens up a whole new realm in surfboard technology.



Is it 13 feet long, by any chance?

What the heck, Herb – you have a Photobucket account! Get the pics up! 


And I’m not sure I wanna hear the rest of this, because I really like it as is – you are crazy man, spitzer – I like that: 


this concept is nothing new to me.

about 6 years ago i came up with a board for sky divers...............one you can fly and land w/o using a chute...............

.....................................i called it a,"skyplane".

a larger aero/space company and the govt. came in an took it over..............it disappeared like a shadow thru glass.


i can’t find my account janklow…lol.


the nutty professor i am…lol.




















The holes look to be straight or even slightly angled in?

Doesnt look like theyre going into channels/ concaves.

 At the trailing edge of the holes, does it go into a groove or have a lower trailing edge ?

 Most intruiging !!

EDIT: the ...er pics make the holes look like theyre angled forward ??

Even more intruiging...