Latest on Dolphin Glide?

Is it out? Where can we find it? If not, when will it be available? Anyone know? Sitting here watching Crystal Voyageur again; the “echoes” segment is mind blowing. I imagine the first shot of George following the doplhins is what “Dolphin Glide” will be like. Still can’t figure out how he follows them…underwater!

Greeno was able to surf fast enough with them on his mats. Its said the dolphin love him and his mats. Waiting about for him to go ride the waves. One with the pod as they say. He bodysurfs underwater with a special camera shaped like a mini dolphin. Greeno also customized a boat, put in a home-brewed camera and exotical rigging. Unlike anything seen even in Hollyweird. Tubester and Rattle say Dolphin Glide (and xtra filmage) will be ready for viewing “3 months or less”.