Latest project, first wooden board

Thanks to Mr. Thrailkill and Jim Phillips for all of the sage advice and also to Jim for sharing some of his private stock with me …

I’m making my first hollow wood board, based partially on some plans I bought online from Jack Young …

It is a 10’0" classic style longboard, hollow, mostly of cedar decking with redwood rails.

I got a good buy on a bandsaw and picked myself up a planer so I could do it right, and sure enough, I had the frame done in two days.

I changed a couple of things about the design in the book, first of all I made a 10’ instead of a 9’6", and made a domed deck instead of flat. Also put some convex in the nose (rest of the bottom will be flat. I’ve had good luck with this setup.) Also, instead of gluing half ribs onto each side of the stringer, I made full ribs, and notched the ribs and stringer to interlock on the bandsaw. :smiley:

It will have a single fin, in a box, I will make it from leftover skin from the deck/bottom.

Nose and tail blocks will be solid redwood burl slabs picked up from a pal in Humboldt County. :smiley:

Here’s a few picks of what I have so far … these planks are glued together but not onto the frame yet. I have to finish the gluing, and glass the inside of the skins.

I’m stuck in South Florida for the weekend … was hoping to get some good surfing in, but howling onshores pretty much put the brakes on that idea. :frowning:

I did, however, get a good deal on some cypress from some Seminole dudes for my next wooden board … it’s green though and it has to be allowed to dry. Trying to decide whether to resaw it now or after it’s dry. Any advice?

where do you store the pics, the link does not work

odd … I put them on GeoCities … they show up on my screen … maybe I should try something else …

Did you buy the planks you are using for the deck already cut the size you needed them?

Yes and no … the cedar I got was already to size, I just had to plane it and such, the other woods I put in there I planed down to match, and cut on the bandsaw … then I ran them through the planer on edge as I don’t have a jointer (worked quite well.)