learning to shape

can i please be advised on the best methods for shaping surfboards when being done in the garage. what sites might be useful? any suggestions on getting started would be muchly appreciated!!

Build some walls either dry wall or Tarps. You’ll want to isolate the dust and debris into one area. Always clean up right after your done.Make surfe it’s big enough to get around. Mount Flourescent lights about 4-6 inches above your shaping rack (if you can) if not, you can mount overhead but you’ll have to stop more to flip the board on it’s rail to see bumps shadows etc. Sit in with someone, or pick up a video, book or online material. And have at it!Take it slow you can always take more foam off but you can’t put it back. Organize your tools so your not searching. Good Luck! http://www.soulsurfertv.com

If you are here, then there is no place else to be! Search the archives for any questions you have, or post your questions in as specific fashion as possible. Usually the better the question, the better responses you get. Drew

I my opinion you need a good set of shaping racks. I’ve shaped on wobbely racks and it’s no fun. I also use the blue tarps and the work fine as far as dust control, and the help you see the lumps and bumps. I like organization (sometimes you wouldn’t know it) to keep your tools handy and safe. Lighting is also very important and go with both overhead and side lights if you can. Keep your work area as clean as possible without it getting in the way of your production, rhythm and flow.