Leash cup overkill?

As suggested in the archives, I drill my leash cup hole with a forstner bit. However, I then clean the foam to the deck on either side of the stringer as one would do with FCS plugs. Is taking the foam to the deck overkill and/or does it compromise the board in some way?



The way I put leash cups to my surfboards is the following:

1- Outline the leash cup with a pencil on the deck, just where I wanted to go…

2- Put masking tape on top of the plug just to keep resin mix off the plug hole.

3- I use a router to drill and clean out the hole on the deck…adjust the depth cut about 1/32" deeper than the plugs height…

4- Cut two 4oz fiberglas cloth…just about the size of the plug (bottom plus sides)…

5- Make the resin mix and pour some on the deck hole…fill up to 1/3 of the hole…

6- Take the plug with fibeglass cloth wrapped around it and press it in the deck hole until it fits, try not to press it too much you must want the plug top to be slightly over the deck…

7- if needed pour more resin mix around the plug just to fill the edges…

8- I let the resin cure and sand it with 80grit sand paper until the plug surface is clean and leveled with the deck…

Be careful not to make the resin mix to hot…

Hope this can help…

I don’t speak very good english, is kind of difficult for me to explain this procedure…

Hola Cabeto, me gustaria hablar contigo por e-mail. Me voy a Costa Rica a surfear este verano (estacion lluviosa) y me habria gustado hablar con alguien que surfea y que vive en el pais.

Me puedes escribir por e-mail a coryellboffy@hotmail.com.



Removing the foam out all the way to the glass laminate on the bottom of the deck would not necessarily be a bad thing. In fact, I would think that if you got good adhesion to the bottom laminate that it would be better than having one end of the plug float free in soft foam. A production shop might not do this because of time. And it would add more weight.


As suggested in the archives, I drill my leash cup hole with a forstner bit. However, I then clean the foam to the deck on either side of the stringer as one would do with FCS plugs. Is taking the foam to the deck overkill and/or does it compromise the board in some way?



I was wondering, if u don’t want to use fiberglass cloth with installing the leash plug, then how do u install it, i know u use the Lam resin to fill the whole but what else do you also add so that the leash cup is sure to stay?


Chopped strands of cloth, Q cell, baking soda, baby powder, foam dust.

Or the Herb S. Method: 3M 5200 Marine Adhesive is bullet proof, just drop some goop into the hole and press the cup in. The stuff kicks off hard, but is flexible enough to slightly give. No worrying about kicking too hot or sanding too hot etc. Just sand flush, its not coming out


What do u use (what chemicals,products, etc.) in order to make the fins stay right-side up while the fin rope saturates? Your replies will be greatly appreciated…


When glassing a glasson fin, you tack the fin into place with lam resin, hold it in place with masking tape attached to each rail, wait for set, THEN apply the finrope and two layers of cloth.