LESS Fins!

someone’s probs posted this already… i’d heard about it but first time i’ve spotted the website.



keen to see people riding these this summer, and wonder what skill level is required and what type of surfer will be willing to give them a go, much the same as me doing my Fish-fingers, it really is aimed a small percentage...but it is great fun and keen to see where it goes.....and keen to try one of toms plastic gsi models too.....

those thinngs look like a skimboard alaia hybrid. i skim my alaia on the flat sometimes and its fun. but i think they will be like a beater or the one by catch surf.


are there any concaves on the bttom?

anyone else doin any finess shaping, always good to see other peoples take on it.....

Finless plastic from the 70's.



ridden it ???

I have a KFC foamy with ridges from the 70's, got it for $12......yet to ride it but will one day....

Its on Au ebay but youre not allowed to buy it because I want it.

 Im getting all the plastic surfcraft I can buy together for a display.

 When I get it, Ill certainly ride it and let you know. !

dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do plastic boards ride???? i want one to beat the sh*t out of (if there cheap)


dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how do plastic boards ride????


Very corky.At garage sales you can pick one up cheaply.


he is one of the best thats doin it…and a bit of backhand footage too…

There's some footage around of Deryck Hinde at overhead J-Bay (from a Jack McCoy movie I think) on a finless......layin it right over on his bottom turns and then spinning up around the lip.......pretty cool !!!!


anyone else doin any finess shaping, always good to see other peoples take on it.....

[/quote] check out D.V.S.'s new hot-curls !!!!

Great, this is turning into a real archive of finless stuff! There is an article in the latest Surfers Journal which has lots of cool images as usual and some interesting info on what Ryan Burch and co are up to with their finless craft. Looks extremely hard to ride but I guess thats part of the allure , like learning to surf all over again…

Heres a pic of the sled, for more pics check the Hydrodynamica Blog where i got it from:

riding those blocks is extremely hard, they are so short its hard to find room for your back foot...I played with one a few times, can see it in the background of my semi-finless footage ( link back few pages ), it started as a plain block, then we rolled rails ( albeit very roughly coz we knew it would snap at that length ), then we got crazy ( my 11 yr old son and I ) and added random grooves over the bottom, then in the rails too, then it snapped and now my kids have rounded the nose very unevenly and ride it often, and they are having fun on it...i tried to surf it, and will again......all fun....

I'm curious. 


The riders (in the videos) are more or less just using body posture, etc. to control the board. There's not much in terms of taking full advantage of the length of the boards - that is, they're not 'walking the boards' or dynamically changing their location on the boards while surfing as a way of controlling wetted planing surface, the play of the bottom contours, drag, etc..


Also, most of these boards have relatively fat tails, relatively straight rails and little rocker. I understand the evolution, but is it just a matter of adherence to a traditional shape? 


So my question  how does the length work for you (when surfing, as opposed to paddling around or catching waves)? Or, how are you taking advantage of the length?


Is it that the length of the board adds just enough drag to take some of the squirreliness out of the ride (-i.e. using the drag to perform some the fin function)?  Or maybe there's something else is going on? I've ridden longboards without fins, and its pretty easy to loose control of the tail with any amount of walking -i.e. moving forward on the board - but I'm hardly an expert.


Y puts out “The One”, which is basically a thick extended skimboard,  Y's strategy seems to be to have 'just enough' planing surface, as opposed to just 'finless.'  You and alot of others seem to have taken a different approach.






ps. Swaylocks 'Insert Video' application doesn't seem to work, so here's the URL for "The One"



that one led me to this one: tow-in skimboarding!


ahhh bill shreds sooooooo hard!!! you cant beat his crazyness. 

he is the real finless monster!

It helped.

The issue Is likely 'weight', but only if all else is held constant. That is, if you adjusted the planing surface to the lesser weight, I'd bet the little guy would be able to spin until he lost his lunch. (This relates to my initial question.)

Anyway, thanks... and nice boards! 




bit of colour has been added, my 7 yr old daughter did this, it is her first one, I taped mostly, she decided on colours and spray choice, its inspired by the snow leopard from Kung-fu Panda...of course...)

 [IMG]http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp114/pridmore73/images.jpg[/IMG]              posca art to be added after glassing, again all by my daughter...it is quite silvery and metalic, should stand out like nuthin else......

glassing it now....

Id say the less length the better control because theres greater psi on a smaller board, I feel that Im getting a better grip with a shorter board. This is my latest ride, somewhat traditionally finless.




Its a 1 with a shredda.