I've been really digging the Liddle GN template and other wider tailed hull concepts for a while now. they look realy clean and smooth and functional in th waves I surf being a goofy foot that maily surfs beach breaks and reefs. I'm just wondering what other's experiences with this design are? how they work in larger,punchier surfwith that wider curvier tail? as well ashow they work in small stuff? thanks in advance.
Oh and I forgot to ask how do they work backside? thanks again
I have a fineline MP and really like it fronside, backside, beachbreak, big, small, windy, point break, reef, up in a tree, and any where else I can ride it.
It works great in anything if you are front foot surfer.
Yep, I made a 7'x18x22.5x15 1/4 .WP +5 inches last spring. very foiled. works great when conditions are lined up, and has a little hip in it that helps it cutback easily. I really like these designs, and how they feel under foot. The speed I get along with the bursts I get out of turns feels super good. I do surf very frontfooted which is why I think I had so much fun on my 7'0. now I'm looking at the wider tailed designs as they look like they would better suit less than perfect conditions that I find myself in quite often. also, they look like they have a lot more curve in the tail to help them cut back and surf backside better. I'm just wondering of other people's experiences with these boards and/or other widertailed hulls like them. thanks for the responses so far
ASteve, Greg's "trash can lid" tail rips in small point surf. Of course it has a lot to do with the bottom and rails too. I've ridden his old 7o's pin tails in hollow pitching waves that held in too. I just happen to like the feel of turning from the middle on a rail. Like a baby duck, I "imprinted" on those guys as a kid. It has dictated my views on boards ever since.
I totally disagree with these and consider my self more of a back footed surfer but really consider my self both since you have to do both to ride a wave. I learned on a single and when I go from 9’ nose rider to my 5’9" hp short board I have no transition problems.
Must be your back foot making the argument.
These shapes aren't for pivoting.
tblank knows his stuff. I feel if you are to turn these boards off the tail then they feel platey(if that is a word) and spin out. thats my take. I like banking the entire rail on its super sensitive edge and feeling the fin and overall foil of the board tense up and spring me forward. I never try to turn these boards off the tail, but rather right from center..pretty sure that is what they are made for too.
I'm simply looking for feedback on the GN or other similar boards with widepoint dropped back a tad and tail a bit wider to make them work a bit better in beaches and reefs. thanks again guys
ASteve, Thanks, but I don't know a whole lot about all surfboards but this shape, I do. I'm bigger in stature than all those guys so I've had to adapt. And, that is exactly what I had to do is pull the wide point back bordering on a piggish outline. It not only gets me in, but it lets me really lean into it as hard as I can(or what the wave will let me). I usually stick with a rounded pin about 15 or so inches@12but will go wider too. And this was for a reef that will throw at the right tide....no bottoms.
Yes I agree you don’t turn way back on the tail but I find on the mp I can turn/pump over the side fins on my back foot. I tried the mp as a single and did not like the board as much w/o the sides because of the wide tail. I agree most of the turns/pumps are front but I am saying it can be turned from the back but maybe that is jsut the mp design and how the rails don’t go completely blade like. The mp has foiled rails but way more tucked in and go sharp/boxy out the back.
that board looks fun. I went on the website and checked out the dims and the tail is 15 1/4. I can see why you talked about turning off the back foot with that board too. it seems like the fin(s) are moved back a bit and it lookes like more of a tail turning type of displacement hull. thanks for sharing.
I was kind of hesitant surfing a hull in beach breaking waves after all I had heard about their subpar performance in these types of conditions. But I really do enjoy them in this type of surf for the most part. I have been able to make otherwise unmakeable sections, and when everything lines up, I can fit multiple long, arching bottom turns followed by trimming high in the pocket of the wave which gives me a really good feeling that I have never experienced on other types of boards. each bottom turn seems to get more intense in speed and in the "springing" release feeling I get coming out of it. I can see how they would work well in points too, but everything around me seems to be backside(not as fun). rarely do my local beach breaks get peaky with a short drop to a shoulder, in which I could see a flaw with this design in these conditions, but overall, I am very pleased with these types of designs at my local reefs and beaches. I have also surfed an andreini vaquero that is much longer than my displacement hull but it felt very fun as well in beach breaks(not my board so my experience on it has been limited). that liddle gn outline(from what I have seen online) looks very smooth, and looks like a fun board. the outline is much wider in the tail than other hulls(15 7/8" +) I have seen so I was curious about its performance. seems fun and fast...thanks for the imput guys
if you haven’t yet, go to kpsroundup. it’s all about liddles and hulls, plus Kp rips on them backside. perhaps he can give ya a tip or two…
thanks matt. yes..backside is very tricky and I have checked out his site.lots of nice boards and pictures come in through there. I like his site alot. I've seen some pics of him and a few others surfing really well backside at points around SB and LA...good stuff, and tips would be very much appreciated.