Thank you reverb, your very kind.
I think I have always included myself in the Gizmo Guy category by saying things like “us Gizmo Guys”. I am a passionate gizmo guy. I can spew out theories as fast as anyone. But as I get older and more experienced, I am more capable of controlling this passion. I am still creative, just not as obsessive about details that don’t really matter.
I realize you don’t think you are a Gizmo Guy Reverb, and maybe there is some confusion in the translation, as to what that is. If we are honest with ourselves, pretty much everyone on Swaylocks would have to admit to being Gizmo Guys of varied intensities.
Being a Gizmo Guy is not an insult nor is it something to avoid. But recognizing what we are, and the dangers in it, allows us to be more gracious in how we channel our energy and opinions of others. Obsessive compulsive behavior is common in all Gizmo Guys and it can stray us off into antisocial behaviors that aren’t healthy for anyone.
This may be true in your world. And I agree more could be done if there were no economics to consider. But thousands of consumers seem quite happy with the Standard glass job. Maybe it is different in Brasil. But there is little demand elsewhere for these extras you are putting into the nose and tail of your boards. Don’t get me wrong Reverb, I commend you for doing this. But others aren’t irresponsible craftsmen because they don’t do it.
Are you still currently seeing the rods pull out? If so you guys need to get new plugs or… leashes that handle the shock better. It isn’t nice to call other glassers “clueless” just because they align their leash cup rods differently then you do because they aren’t having similar problems of rods bending. The Eberly board was quite old and, wrong as you may have thought it was, the Leash Cup had held up just fine all those years.
I am pretty sure that must be the case. The common Leash Cups used in the USA don’t have these problems. As you have seen in the comments, leash plug failures are very rare.
I have used the same brand Leash Cups for a very, very long time. I have tested others but am quite happy with the ones I regularly use.
I agree, there is room for all opinions to exist but not for all of them to be correct. :-)