Liquid measurments

Is a gallon of lam resin for a 10’ board too much? 3x6oz. full sheets + deck and tail patch. What’s the norm? Thanks.

Is a gallon of lam resin for a 10’ board too much? 3x6oz. full sheets + > deck and tail patch. What’s the norm? Thanks. I use 1.5 oz of resin per layer foot at room temperature + a little extra to cover longboard widths. 7 layers x 10 ft x 1.5 oz = 105 oz. 1 US gallon = 128 oz. Looks like you’re covered.

I use 1.5 oz of resin per layer foot at room temperature + a little extra > to cover longboard widths. 7 layers x 10 ft x 1.5 oz = 105 oz.>>> 1 US gallon = 128 oz. Looks like you’re covered. The above volumes are forlaminating and lam resin. It takes more lam resin for setting fins, boxes and plugs. Plus, you need about 1.5 oz per coat-foot each of sanding and gloss resin: 10 ft x 2 sides x 2 coats x 1.5 oz = 60 oz. You can get by with a whole lot less gloss resin, but you’re bound to screw up something. I do! You can mix your own sanding and gloss resin from lam resin, sanding aid and styrene. Or you can buy them separately.

7 layers?!?!?! So, you’re saying you only use less than 1.5 qts. for 3 layers of 10’ 6oz. glass? Holy shit! I’m way out there!

7 layers?!?!?!>>> So, you’re saying you only use less than 1.5 qts. for 3 layers of 10’ 6oz. > glass? Holy shit! I’m way out there! I forgot that you poly/poly guys use so little glass. I assumed you quoted the schedule per side. You’ve got the right lam idea. 1.5 oz x 3 layers x 10 ft = 45 oz lam resin. But you still need 60 oz more resin for sand and gloss = 105 oz. Buy the gallon of resin, some wax and styrene. The resin is lots cheaper by the gallon, and you’ll be covered for screwups and dings.