I would like to print just one black and white logo to be glassed into a surfboard. Can someone please explain step by step how to do this( paper,ink, printers). I have access to either lazerjet or inkjet. I’ve seen messages about rice paper, water based ink, inking the white first etc…etc…could someone please explain the procedure. And is this really cost saving compared to going to a screener! Thanx…
Do you have access to rice paper? If you don’t then that is not ideal but not a huge problem. I have used regular stock before with no problems. You just need to trim your logo as close as you can. If you want to put a black and white logo on a colored board, then you might have some problems. Your injet or laserjet won’t print white, as I’m sure you know. You would have to color the rice paper with white ink first, then print your one color over it. If you used a heavy stock of paper you may or may not be able to just print it with one color and not have to worry about the color of the board coming through (it all depends on the board color). I’m sure you know about putting resin under the paper when laminating, if you use stock (thicker than regular printing paper but thinner than a post card) don’t skimp on the resin under it. If you just want one laminate, then this is way cheaper than getting a screen printer. Just do some testing first. Test your paper, and test your ink. In the past, I have had some printers were the black ink will change to a shade of purple when exposed to UV over time. A friend of mine who is a great artist was insistent on putting a particular design on thick paper we did some test, with no problems. He did a full color logo on regular paper and 5 years later it still looks as good as it did when we did it. If you let me know what kind of paper you are going to use and if it is a colored board or not, and I can help you further.
I would like to print just one black and white logo to be glassed into a > surfboard. Can someone please explain step by step how to do this( > paper,ink, printers). I have access to either lazerjet or inkjet. I’ve > seen messages about rice paper, water based ink, inking the white first > etc…etc…could someone please explain the procedure. And is this really > cost saving compared to going to a screener! Thanx… okay, step by step, eh? i’ll try, but first some info about what you need, then i will explain a fairly generic process for making and glassing the label(s). first off, the best medium for a label is rice paper, because of its ability to wet-out (‘disappears’ when wet). you can find it at any quality art store (about $2.00/sheet). since it is so cheap, i recommend you call around to find it - and get the thin stuff (similar to a sheet of notebook paper). before we get to inks, let’s talk about HOW to make a label. the best quality labels are made with silkscreen boards, which will run about $50-100 to have one made. if you do go this route, you lay the screen on the rice paper and pull ink across with a squeegee. otherwise, if doing “one-off” labels, you can make a template out of stiff cardboard or acetate - draw the design, then cut it out with an exacto knife. lay the template on the rice paper and spray the ink. you can also print labels using an inkjet(etc) - i’ve never done it, so you’ll have to search this site for a “how-to”. next is the ink. the type you get will be determined by the method of label creation. if you go with a silkscreen, use acrylic print ink (“speedball”/$5-6 can) and thin it to the consistency of honey. if you have access to an airbrush, you can use any acrylic paint (com-art opaque/$3 bottle; liquitex acrylic medium viscosity concentrated/$3 bottle). i’ve even seen a person use (water-based) paint out of a can. you want opaque ink/paint on the label, so that the colors on the board dont “bleed through”. light colors go on the paper first, progressing to darker (and more opaque) colors (in your case, white then black). obviously, lighter colors wont “cover” a darker color. always wait till the color is thoroughly dry before you apply the next. summary [smile] … best route: have a screen made, use printing inks (about $100 altogether) cheapest: make a template of design, spray ink/paint on paper (about $20) always: use rice paper and opaque inks/paints ask others here about doing labels with a computer printer. ready to glass? have your labels ready (within arms reach) before glassing. lay the cloth out on blank and trim. fold the glass back where the label will be. wet label with resin (mixed of course) and lay on blank and squeegee excess resin out, lay cloth back over blank, and glass as usual. (ps - dont squeegee so much resin out that the label is ‘dry’ underneath).
i’ve even seen a person use (water-based) paint out of a can. i cant edit my original post - anyway, what i meant to say here is that this person used a can of “spray paint” …