logos & decals on opaque/dark fabric lams

Curious if you guys know of any good tricks to get logos/lettering applied to boards where the lam is opaque resin/solid colored boards or dark fabrics where the logo needs high contrast. I attached a picture… I want to have my lettering on my boards in similar fashion. Does surfboard logo paper disolve satisfactory over the hot coat/under the gloss coat? I’m assuming is this the work of a die-cut stencil that’s adhered to the board and then shot with auto paint, then glossed with a urethane? Rattle-can acryllic lacquer with a stencil followed by a clear coat? Or die-cut vinyl logos with a gloss coat?

The majority of the builds I’m after are 12’-14’ racing hulls, so the goal is lightweight paint/gloss resin schedules. Any simple ideas to achieve logo work on solid color boards would definitely help. Thanks.

get rice paper and use a ink jet printer. 

imo  logos even when professionally screen printed don’t completely disappear over dark laminations. Go with the stencil and paint option for sure. I think there is a similar board in the “what I’m woking on” thread that was a Century 21 sign. Thats the method he used and it looked just like your ideal shown in the pic.

page 300 " what I’m working on" thread post by Surfding. Pm him he’ll prob help you out.

I would consider using self adhesive vinyl - try any sign writers - if you are quick enough I could do it for free and post it to you but would have to do it in the next 4 weeks as I’m shipping out of work and heading deep deep south for the rest of my life…




thanks everyone for the input; @jbirdsurf: haven’t tried rice paper on carbon or solid colored lams, so I can’t dog it yet. I’ll do a test, but I lean to agree with Pico & Thirdshade.  @thirdshade: thanks, I might take you up on the offer to test the decal under a gloss coat. I attached these as jpegs to preview if it’s doable. One cut is my lettering decal logo which should be roughly 4"x16", the other is my hand written signature, 1.5"x5" (or somewhere in the sizing). I can email these in PDF or Hi-res jpegs. let me know PM. Thanks man.

i have had success with printer paper and ink jet printer. if really dark background I’ll spraypaint back white. looks tough with your logo unless you did a rectangle or oval border around it. kinda tricky to get all bubbles out from under it but it definately looks professional when done right. none of that translucent ricepaper out of your printer stuff. hope it makes sense

Thanks astevens, that sounds like another cool trick, similar to print-decals that stick to the foam pre-glass. Because of my lettering, I’ll try a budget to start, which includes hand-cutting a vinyl stick-on template (to the sanded hot coat) where it’s sent through a printer with vinyl tape or blue painters on wax paper; cut out the stencil by hand; and shoot the negative with automotive acryllic laquer. Maybe I’ll get a few boards painted out of one hand-cut decal. Not bad, not great, but probably more affordable than ordering 100 laser cut decals.

If your logo is basic, go to a screen printer and get them to make you up a screen. The acrylic screen printing inks go well under any gloss coat.