LokBox or Futures

I’ve been contemplating which fin sytems to use primarily on upcoming projects and boards that I’m having built for myself. I have a few boards with Futures and I like the idea of the whole base of the fin in the fin box. I also like alot of their fin templates and their Vectors. On the other hand LokBox is great because you can adjust the fins back and forth. The reason why I started thinking about this is because I had spoken to someone about building me a board and he will only use LokBox. The only thing about LokBox is sometimes the front of the fin doesn’t lie flush with the bottom of the board. I’ve done numerous searchs on this topic but I figured I would try to see what peoples opinions are on just these two systems.


I've been contemplating which fin sytems to use primarily on upcoming projects and boards that I'm having built for myself. I have a few boards with Futures and I like the idea of the whole base of the fin in the fin box. I also like alot of their fin templates and their Vectors. On the other hand LokBox is great because you can adjust the fins back and forth. The reason why I started thinking about this is because I had spoken to someone about building me a board and he will only use LokBox. The only thing about LokBox is sometimes the front of the fin doesn't lie flush with the bottom of the board. I've done numerous searchs on this topic but I figured I would try to see what peoples opinions are on just these two systems.


I find it unusual that someone wouldn’t offer you a fin system you asked for that is as readily available as Futures. Shapers I used were completely flexible on fin system, although they would often have a preference.

They’re both good systems.

I know I found that strange as well. I really like another board he has made me in the past but it made me think "should I just have someone else shape me the board I want or should I just have him shape me the board with LokBox.

Hi Surfli! I’d like to mention that 99.999 percent of the time that one of our fins doesn’t fit completely flush is due to the screw not being tightened completely. It’s my ongoing battle to get people to cinch them down. When I ask people why they don’t cinch them down tighter, they always tell me the same thing “I’m afraid of stripping it”. This is exactly why the Lokbox is designed the way it is. Stripping something sucks. Most of our customers that have switched to Lokbox have done it for a couple reasons. For one - Being able to get high quality glass fins(usually in their own template that they have been perfecting for years and years), adjustability of fins, or repeated problems with other systems. You should choose the system most catered towards your needs and I respect that decision regardless. Thanks Jim

A search of Lokbox on Swaylocks will show you how well regarded the fin system is and some of the really nice templates available.Also through this and other forums you get access to the designer for technical problems and can possibly influence fin development which is worth a lot.

Regarding the Futures fin base fitting in the slot I am thinking you like the feel of the fin and board as one?Never fear! The wedge shaped base/tab of the lokbox fins are pulled down nicely when you tighten the flat head screw and feel as nice as glassons.The lenth of base/tab is sufficient so there is v.little twist and there is no play side to side of the fin in the box so all you get is the flex designed into the fin.I have two types of fin base on my Lokbox fins.One kind has the base moulded in glass (epoxy?) and the other has the base potted into what looks like a hard polypropelyne or polycarbonate. Not sure what is used now but both are made to good tolerances and if the box is clean pull down nicely so the front of the fin is flush with the board.

I had one board with Futures box with a thread that wore due to changing fins so often and so was eventually stripped .There is a fix (poor) on Futures site so I am wondering if it is quite common?

When you start getting into the realms of longer base fins for Fish boards I think the Futures lose big time in some of there compromises.

Is there a Lokbox fin similar to the Vectors? Perhaps some one else knows.

Regarding your shaper only wanting to do Lokbox I am thinking that he has chosen that system to concentrate on because he likes it and can work well with it.If he is a reasonably small operation then why try to offer all types with the expense of installation kit and holding stock?Its no less professional to concentrate on Lokbox and offer a good product using that system.

What about ProBox? Has anyone tried those?

Seems like good design, want to try some out.

They even sell pre-machined blanks, so you can make your own.

A search also will show how and why the Probox are liked.

Super easy install.

Good price and customer service.

Good access to owners/fin designers.


Good range of forward and backwards movement.

Can use all your fcs fins without modification.

Easy to make your own fins.

Interesting range of fins in glassfibre (loved the elipticals in a quad rear)

I really like the ability to change fin lean/cant as have had a good board made all time favourite by altering cant on leading fin.see Bill Barnfield and Blakstah discussing it here http://www.swaylocks.com/forum/gforum.cgi?post=248479;search_string=cant;#248479

Probox Hawaii is a real good system and Mitch folks are very good to work with as are the Lokbox and Redex folks.

I think the Probox design gives you the most options as far as fins cause everyone else is proprietary.

I ride the futures Vectors haven’t tried the new ones…

But the Lokbox is a better design and they have better fish fins than anyone else.

IMHO the Redex bolt thru seems the best design for soft epoxied EPS cored boards

It it’s a fish or a quad I go with LokBox and the turbos