I was hoping to get some feedback on what type of long board dimension-wise I should be looking for. I surf in NJ and with a mediocre winter season winding down and the summer just around the corner I expect more small days then big ones. With that in mind I’ve decided to invest in a longboard to give me something to do when my shortboard just won’t cut it in small, gutless NJ summer surf. I’m about 5’ 10" and 155 lbs. Just wanted to get some opinons on what’s been working best for everyone…
Hey Tim,
For summer waves, i would look for a cruiser style, something with perhaps a pretty flat bottom and maybe even some concave up front so you can walk around a bit.
There is a shaper right up here in Central NJ that is kick ass with this type of old school shape, but also does some nice progressive longboard shapes as well.
They are shaped by Tom Eadon and if you do some research on this message board, you’ll find some great info on him and his experience.
Also, not sure where you are, but some of their stock boards are in www.alohagrove.com and priced very reasonably. The glassing on the poly boards are done by Tim Knotle down in Kitty Hawk and it’s flawless. I’ve got a resin tint job by them and it’s impecable.
I would also think about staying in the 9’0 range, give or take 2" - 4"… 10’ is nice, but not fun to swing around on a waist high musher.