Hey sways!
So all of us noobs at foam e-z are going to get a
glassing 101 lesson with STAMPS down the way and I’m glassing my first
long board and I’m looking for some killer color work ideas, I want to
a simple swirl nothing to crazy. So far it looks like blue and green
tint compliment each other well, but please shoot me some advice for
getting good swirls or some other colors that work well together, pics
would be rad too! Below are pics of my board and some tint samples, I’ll
have pics of Christina and Pats boards as well!
[img_assist|nid=1055329|title=Tint samples|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=296|height=225][img_assist|nid=1055328|title=Finished longboard|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=209|height=275]