Longboard colors in harmony!

Hey sways!

So  all of us noobs at foam e-z are going to get a
glassing 101 lesson with STAMPS down the way and I’m glassing my first
long board and I’m looking for some killer color work ideas, I want to
a simple swirl nothing to crazy. So far it looks like blue and green
tint compliment each other well, but please shoot me some advice for
getting good swirls or some other colors that work well together, pics
would be rad too! Below are pics of my board and some tint samples, I’ll
have pics of Christina and Pats boards as well!


[img_assist|nid=1055329|title=Tint samples|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=296|height=225][img_assist|nid=1055328|title=Finished longboard|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=209|height=275]

Right now, the best I have obtained were with a basic tint (blue, for instance) in which were added a bit of black pigment and of white pigment.

Here is one with blue as a basis:



One with turquoise as a basis:



Keeping it simple is an easy way to get good results. Too many colors mixed together call for trouble (unless your name is Darth Vader, Austin and the likes…)


Of course, there are exceptions…:


Those blue and turquoise boards are rad! Yeah The over coloring and muddying are what I’m dreading right now! I like the marbled look alot!

My best, easiest and hardest to mess up swirl was Blue, lighter blue and white.   Three colors and regardless of the shade it looked good.    


here is the quiver address: http://www.quivermag.com/boards/slightly-shaping-2005


I also like pouring resin nose to tail in lines or rows alternating colors.    I had a good, clear, red, orange and yellow.   Even with different cups I still got plenty of neat swirls.   I cant find any pictures of this board, but it came to the last two Swayaholics trips.    It has been my favorite swirl to date.   Good luck.   And remember always use enough tint and then add some extra.! Darren 

theres a shit load more in the "show us your resin tints and paterns" thread

check it out,,, you'll be blown away!

ps: go for contrasting colors


is this your first glassing job?

@Darren thanks for the tip I think I might roll with that doing lines from nose to tail deal as your mentioned!

@Ken I've seen that thread before haven't been back to revisit it in a while though! I like the contrasting colors for the "pop" they give but as I said the muddying factor makes me think twice.

And yes this is going to be the first glass job for all three of us (Me, Cristina, and pat) I've done ding repair so I'm kinda familiar with the feel and workability of resin and glass but it's on such small scale it probably has no relevance with a full board eh?

To put it simply I'm looking for two colors that will look great even if I screw up, hope that makes some sense and thank for the replies guys much appreciated!



there are no such things as screw ups when doing swirls,,,

you shoot for something and if its close,, you pulled it off,,,

never point out the flaws to anyone

if you get some mud,,oh well,, you say, thats what I was expecting


combine colors

pour on all swirly and shit

squeegee once

before wraping rails

pour on clear and flood /squeegee off and down the hanging cloth

this will help keep color separation on the rail wrap, which is where most mudding occures

then wrap the rails,,,,

clean squeegies with handy rags and work diligently, dont fart around

use translucents with UV cat and after the bottom kicks enough to be firm flip it and sun the top rails briefly, use clean gloves

have one of the helpers cover the racks with wax paper while your out with the board so it (you) dont F up the colored bottom

take it inside and cut the tape line asap

then with clean gloves take it back out and kick it some more,,

Note in and out of the sun will keep the outgassing down


I will come in to inspect your work,,, so dont screw it up,, or I will bust your chops,,, LOL!

heres a latest cool blue black and clear



WOW, Thats some good advice Ken thanks! I"ll be looking forward to see’n ya come through and grade our progress! and that board looks RAD! Loving the way the nose came out especially! You’ve got a gift for sure. With that board were you dragging nose to tail or rail to rail?




How did you get the fusion boxes to show up on that bottom one? Did you route/install AFTER the swirl lamination and then do another clear layer over them?

Well, the “Show us your resin tints…” thread is the place to study.  For blue and green Austin posted a great video a long time ago, lemme see if I can find it…here it is:





Yes, that’s what I always do. Boxes don’t “take” the tint exactly the same as foam so I prefer to have them stand out.

Thanks etmo, rad vid! Thats a sick swirl they got going on, it seems like it takes a lot of excess resin for swirls no?


Yes – another reason to memorize every word in the “Show us…” thread – you’ll learn lots of tips like that.  He said he used a ton of resin for that swirl, and you can see in the vid that he could have used more, because he was scraping there at the end.  Also, you see he captured a lot of the runoff.  Good for stretching resin, but when you catch / repour, the results aren’t as stellar as the pours that come straight from the mix bucket, so you have to consider the economics of how committed you are to the best possible cosmetic results…


WOW, Thats some good advice Ken thanks! I"ll be looking forward to see'n ya come through and grade our progress! and that board looks RAD! Loving the way the nose came out especially! You've got a gift for sure. With that board were you dragging nose to tail or rail to rail?




hey thanks for the props

that board went like this

poured the black in the blue mostly blue

saved some black

and had seperate bucket of clear,,,,,,

poured the blue black mix across the board rail to rail random spaces

poured black inbetween rendomly, thin pour lines

then clear poured inbetween those previous pours

tilted the board side to side

the sqeedied lengthwise center to nose then center to tail untill the bottom was down and resin pushed off the board

flooded with clear resin and sqweegied off and wraped the rails

allways keeping the squeegie clean on every pass,,,swipe, wipe,swipe, wipe,,,etc


make sure you fully cover the deck side with heavy paper when you mask the cut line, so you wont stain the deck

and rub the tape line down with a plastic card to help prevent bleed through


good luck



I resurecting this thread cause we havent heard how it went,,,,,,,


well ezshippingguru,,, how did the glassing go?

Hey Ken thanks for the resurection! Yeah we were holding off till they were finished but…With the busy scudual of the holiday season we only got the bottoms done but here are some pics of what we have so far!

[img_assist|nid=1056271|title=My Board|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=272|height=206]

Here is the long shot of the bottom, I decided to go with a airbrush for the first go at glassing instead of doing resing tints and even that was more time consuming and difficult than originaly expected but I’m super stoked on the outcome!






[img_assist|nid=1056272|title=my board|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=312|height=238]This is a huge bubble i put in when walking it outside to cure it. Nothing I can’t fix though!






[img_assist|nid=1056273|title=my board|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=276|height=210]



And this is a gouge from the nose of pats board when we were packing up to take it back to the shop haha, not even glassed yet and already getting dinged up!!







[img_assist|nid=1056274|title=Pats board|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=291|height=219]

Here is pats sweet little quad, I believe it’s sub 5’10" in length but I’ll let pat chime in soon and give the details on it for anyone who wants to know.








[img_assist|nid=1056275|title=pats board|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=280|height=212]

And here is the only flaw pat had in his glass job, again and easy fix and nothing to crazy.








[img_assist|nid=1056276|title=cbags board|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=325|height=246]

This is cristinas(cbags) board which I’ll let her give the dims to you guys but she has a nice little logo that pat was nice enough to make up for her as she is a total science nerd! JK Cbags! As far as flaws in her glass nothing different from ours a couple dry spots some strings here and there…oh and she has some dirty finger marks from her baby size hands so you wont even notice!







And that’s our adventure so far guys! We will have more updates when we finish them up and hopefully pix of the actual glassing being done! The three of us have a whole new respect for glassers, shapers, and airbrushers!



Allright Johnny!!!

great to see you youngsters getting your hands dirty

keep posting,,, more pics of Christina's board ,,,,and yours of course

the longer you wait to glass the more dents!


and ,, allways,,, Handle with Care!

Ken, that is one of the prettiest acid swirls I’ve ever seen! I always admired Balsa’s blue swirls they are very nice too. Yours looks almost Paua/Abalone like, very very nice! also thanks for the play by play on how to do it. Well done.

ps. This makes me wonder if anyone has tried adding pearl to your tints? If so…Howzit? Does it come out or not? Kokua, have you ever seen pearl colors?