Longboard critique please!

Hey all,

I’m trying to use the APS software to plan out a 9’8" noserider. I’d love to shape something like a classic Bing for the summer, but… I don’t own a longboard that is even close to that type of design and have precious few examples to work from (basically what I can remember as I continually look around in shops). I mainly shape fish and other variations on the quad, so this is new territory for me.

I’ve attached a .pdf of my current plans for a classic noserider. I’d greatly appreciate any feedback and criticism. If you like the plans, feel free to take them. I’ve also attached a .brd file, same thing for that–make any adjustments, repost, take the file, whatever, just please send some feedback my way so that I can get this board going.


I am no expert, but I would put more belly in the center and a lot more in the tail, since it is a nose rider.

You might want a little bit more curve in the middle of the template, but maybe the straight line is an illusion.

I was going to say the same thing. Those rails look really parallel through the center. I’d try to blend the curves a little more, so the lines really flow.

Many people disagree with me on this subject…

If you plan on having your surfboard cut on a machine then you need to continue with your computer design. If you plan on shaping this board yourself stop wasting your time computer designing and start looking at blank manufactures. Even longboard blanks can be purchased as a close tolerance blank. The stock rocker will be very close to what you need. Things like belly and nose concave are awesome but getting it from computer design to hand shape is going to be the real heartache. There’s a boat load of Swaylock guys in San Diego. Finding a good template should be a breeze. Start networking and buying tools. Mitch’s Surf shop in La Jolla and in Solona beach sells blanks. Homeblown is in your area too. Maybe I’m just old and grumpy. What does it cost to print a 10 foot long surfboard profile?

Sorry to be such a downer. One of my favorite steps in surfboard building is drawing out the shape fullsize on the blank and then modifying it with some friends. Take some off here add a little there. Where’s the bender board? Who spilled my beer?

Carry on



Thanks! I have a 10’5" Bio blank that was given to me (can’t pass that up, and yes, I’ve shaped plenty of bio before). I also have access to a large format printer at work, so there’s no charge to print it out (I work late all the time…they can repay me in printer paper).

I am actually debatng getting this computer cut. I’ve never owned a “real” longboard before, and the temptation to really dial it in on the first try is staggering. Of course, I have an incredible amount of respect for the hadshapers (and I’ve put in some time to try to develop my skills there), so I may go with the pride-factor and do it that way. So that’s up in the air.

As for the design, I’m really trying to get feedback on the rails & belly. I make about a hundred measurements on a board to get it just right and I don’t mind putting a lot of time into the computer design–it helps me visualize what I’m doing when I actually cut foam.

Thanks in advance. Now, please give me advice on how to make true classic rails!

a little less nose rocker. A LOT less tail rocker.

Hi Trucker ,

I’m a backyard guy. I’m not so good at shaping. Try less measuring and more seeing and feeling. Going with the flow…My noses always come out too thick on the longer boards because the glass jobs are thicker

Belly is sort of like shaping the deck but you do it on the bottom…ha ha

Hey Soulstice,

Have you measured nose/tail rocker on a favorite board? I’d love to know nose/tail rocker #'s…

I know a lot of guys increase the tail rocker (and drop the nose) on the Clark stock blanks to get noseriders.

muchas gracias,


Hey Soulstice,

Have you measured nose/tail rocker on a favorite board? I’d love to know nose/tail rocker #'s…

I know a lot of guys increase the tail rocker (and drop the nose) on the Clark stock blanks to get noseriders.

muchas gracias,

depends on the board ( i have a lot of favorites ). off the top of my head, noses range from 3" - 3-1/2", tails are probably around 2-7/8". the numbers don’t mean much anything, though…it’s the whole curve that matters. honestly, i just eyeball everything…and do what looks “right”. i’ll measure a blank…say it’s 9’10" over the curve, and i want to net a 9’8"…so i’ve got 2" of play. blank on racks…step off to the side…and figure out how much i want to cut off from each end. that’s my problem with EPS…you have to know exactly where you’re going. it just doesn’t work for me. sometimes i don’t even know what i’m shaping…i just remove foam until i’m done…then i stop. yesterday, i set off to do a quad fish…ended up leaving a squash tail with a scoop out the back on the deck. board looks crazy-fun. i suppose i could go cut in a fish tail. i could also go paint black stripes on a white horse and call it a zebra.

I am going to have to disagree with Soulstice’s taste on tail rocker. He is dead on about the nose rocker of the board needs to be lower but, rocker in the tail has a two fold purpose, it slows the board down so it sits right in the pocket and makes the board easier to turn. The Nuuhiwa Noserider has a ton of tail kick and that board works pretty well the say the least.

The other thing I would say is fill out the nose. don’t make it wider at 12" inches back but fill it up.


The Nuuhiwa Noserider has a ton of tail kick and that board works pretty well the say the least.

it does, and it is the inspiration behind almost every classic-styled noserider being made today. that being said, it still has more nose rocker than tail. the hold comes from the length over which the tail rocker is spread out along the total curve of the board. the template drawn out in this thread needs a re-think on the rocker line.

Whoa there… the Nuuhiwa nose rider (and the Bing that has removed the N-name) has way more tail kick that nose–that’s painfully obvious on the racks or anywhere online… The Nuuhiwa noserider has over 4" of tail kick.


Whoa there… the Nuuhiwa nose rider (and the Bing that has removed the N-name) has way more tail kick that nose–that’s painfully obvious on the racks or anywhere online… The Nuuhiwa noserider has over 4" of tail kick.

perhaps it was flattened out a bit for florida surf (i know matt shallows out the nose concave for gutless waves)…but my local friends with Bing Noseriders don’t appear to have that much tail rocker.

care to post a rocker pic ??

Trucker, very true that the Nuuhiwa has more than four inches of tail rocker. I believe mine has 6in.