Hello anyone here who can give me a few tips on re-placing my fin box in my longboard?
I’ve got someone else, stupid idea, to glass my own shaped longboard and never mentioned the fin-position to him. Now he’s put it about 5 inches too much forward!
I wanted the end of the fin box to be at about 5 inches from the tail, now it is about 10 inches from the tail…
I’m kinda upset about it. And want to fix it myself.
What do you guys think? Has anybody experience with taking out a box and placing it further back?
-should I not do it and leave it?
-Is the board going to be more fragile where the stringer is missing?
Try this to save time and money. Find yourself a fin with a front tap. You know this is the one that the screw goes in the front, and the pin is in the back. Put the fin in the box, and mark along the fin where it goes into the box. Now take the fin out and cut along that line for about 2 inches, starting at the pin end. Then cut up to the line from the bottom of the fin. Redrill a hole and push the pin in. Now your fin can go into the back of the box and slide back 2 inches farther. You can keep doing this if you wish and almost get all of the 5 inches back. I think this will be a lot easier then cutting out and putting in a new fin box. Or there are some guys on this site that make fins. You could have one of them make you up a fin that is set off, like I’m talking about.
You can also get a 15" box. Fiberglass Hawaii has them. When you pull out the old one, you’ll fill the entire area it was in plus get your 5" farther back.
You’ll need to cap the box with glass after its set & ground down.
Howzit R4, As Bennie said you can get a 15" box from Bahne,Their phone number is in the resources under fins and the boxes are about $ 8.00. Call them and they will send it to you,pay with a credit card for fastest delivery. This way you can remove old box and lengthen the hole 5" and put the longer box in. Aloha,kokua
I like Bagman’s idea. How big is the board? Where do you want to put the fin? Is this a single or 2+1? FWIW, on my 2+1 diamond tail longboard, I run the fin 10.5" from the tail (though the shaper recommends 8.5, I like it looooooose). In other words, I could use your current box!
I’ve tried to make a copy of my favorite longboard a lufi (portugeese) 9’0" light wheight pro model.
measurements: 9’0" x 17 3/8 x 21 1/2 x 13 1/4 x 2 3/4 the original is a o’fishl trifin set up.
Made a good spoon in the nose running up to the middle of the board. I’ll post a pic of the board and the fin box as soon as I can.
The idea of the 15" fin box seems good to me, also changing the fin-foot, but wonder if the side-ways pressure can handle that? If surfing a hollow wave?