Longtime coming...9'6" Quad Longboard

Its been awhile, but im going to try contribute more to sways…i may not be able to help to much, but i have taken way to much from this site. Thanks to everyone.

here it is 9’6" x 21.5 x 2 7/8". Its EPS and Epoxy. The glassing went double six on the bottom, and double six up top, with a deck patch.

Not sure of the weight, never got around to that.

all lokbox with a centre box to mix things up.

by the way…theres no snow here anymore, its been awhile since the pictures were taken haha.

have a good one

looks very nice!

That’s a tidy effort. My last longboard (9’1") was a quad. My next one will be too. Faster and freer than a 2 + 1 I found.

Wow, really beautiful!

Is there that much snow in this time of the year? Where do you surf?

Thanks for the kind words.

Hans - this photo was actually taken back in february i think. So now, we have no snow. It was 30 degress celsius here yesterday. I actually surf in the great lakes, so a long board is a must.

deanbo - i actually haven’t tried it as a quad yet, the fins are not done…i kind of got side tracked onto other projects and just been ride it as a 2 + 1 and single. What kind of fins are you using?

Matt - thanks man…took ahwile pleased how it came out.