Lost his number some time ago…DOOP!
If anyone knows him or can contact him…tell him his board is done.
Lost his number some time ago…DOOP!
If anyone knows him or can contact him…tell him his board is done.
Still lookin’
If not,I have a real nice 8-0 hull type board for sale…let it go cheap.
did you and run communicate yet?
travel board is want of water time.
he sent me a pm sayin’ he’s ready to sen it your way…
Just Called …no answer…yeah soon.
IT goes WHERE ???
His name is David.
I found him and he got his board.
Hope it’s real magic for him.
He earned it.
ps…Chris…Need to talk at you about surf building stuff.
I know you’ve done a number of Poly type blanks w/ epoxy,and would like some info and feedback from you.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Check your home email. BTW - There is an empty pool in my neighborhood. With the housing problems, there are lots of empty pools. Thinking about scoping them out.
My E-mail is down due to my wife up-dating the computer…but it’s better…right?
Anywho got this experimental “E-Rez” I want to drop the hammer on.
It’s a two part epoxy.No mixing mistakes.Doesn’t blush,but drys very glossy and crystal clear.When completely dry,it’s ready to sand.The stuff sands easily ,just like RR.
And, at this point no yellowing.Some test batches are like 5-6 months old.
I’ve done some small to large test batches with great results.
My long winded point is that…
… I need info on some basic construction issues dealing w/ polyblanks and epoxy resin.I like the combo if it works out.
De-lams are may major worry.In the past ,I’ve done a few “epoxy whatevers”, skaters, and of course surfboards w/ epoxy over poly blanks.Had a lot of delam issue back then,not to mention blushing,etc.
…I know it’s come along way since then… but just wanted…I guess… an updated version/information.
I got about 1-1/2 gal.,and should be getting more by next month.
I’ve done a few with poly/RR expoxy. No delams or anything odd. I scratch the deck up with ultra dull 50 grit before glassing as I always do with any poly blank. One thing I do differently is instead of add-F, I toss in straight xylene for my lams. Save the wax for the hotcoat. It’s more for reducing the surface tension of the resin.
Drop me a line whenever you can bro. The e-rez sounds bitchin!
You’re the Man !
pools ?
I’m up w/ it.
dont tel hextramint!
Google earth your neighborhood to find the right shaped pools, then drive by and see if the lawn is dead. Mortgage crunch is good for something…