I came across a picture of a fish board, with the nice big swallow tail. Except on the rails near the tail, instead of wingers, there was like a batwing sort of cut in the rails. Thought it was pretty cool. Can’t seem to find it now though. Anyone else seen this pic?
There are some real nice boards coming from his hands.
Looking at that style board makes me wonder. I have heard in posts here that wings or bumps on a board act as pivot points, if so then those batwing things must really pivot.
Only question, is do they cause extra drag?
edit the image link doesn’t work… maybe no permissions or something?
Since that pic is posted, it raises another question. I’ve done a fair amount of work with tints. But I come across boards that have color work like that one, it looks like tint, it can’t be paint because you cant see the stringer. Is the person just using a mass amount of tint?
Do you think that that’s a bought color, or that it was mixed?
I’ve been doing some mixing and testing myself using the pallette of color that I have (black, white, red, green, blue and yellow) gotten so far.
Luckily I have a roomate who is an artist, so I get advice on color mixing, but it still involves lots of test panels. Been wondering if there is anywhere that sells a broad range of colors in tints/pigments.