looking for Clark Rocker Catalog

Hi all,

In the last Clark Foam Surfboard Blank Catalog (great reading by the way) available for download from Foamez.com it says:

“A rocker catalog is available per request with a complete list of all rocker templates currently available”

Does anyone know if there is an electronic version available of the old Clark Rocker Catalog or where I could get a hard copy.

When I was gung ho a few months back to start making my own EPS /epoxy boards someone here gently pointed out it might be a good idea to think about the rocker and not just important things like tail shape, number of fins, deck colour, pin lines, logos and stuff like that;-)

It has taken a while but it has now started to sink in as to why he said that.

Claude, I have a pdf of the October 2004 ez-foam clark catalog. It’s 95 pages long and 2.8 mb.

If you email me, I’ll email it back to you. mailto:rich@dangersticks.com

I though you could still download it from the Clark website.


Thanks Maraboutslim, I have emailed you for the foam catalog you have.

The ‘Clark Foam Catalog’ I was reading made it sound like there was another different separate catalog called the ‘Clark Rocker Catalog’. It now sounds like they are the same thing.

There is a separate rocker adjust page(s) for each clark blank

here’s an example. The complete catalog file is too big to attach here, but it might still be on the fiberglass supply website. I could probably email it. pm if you want.

Clark also had a printed listing titled Clark Foam Rocker Catalog. This was not printed in catalog form or available as a PDF. It was printed off his server onto hard copy as it was part of his internal custom software program which made it hard to switch it to pdf or word for easy electronic transfer. I believe some of the larger distributors were given copies of the report as a reference.

The copy I have is 134 pages long, printed on extra wide old-school greenbar paper. Each page has over 50 seperate rocker descriptions. The listing is sorted by mold.

(Our blank company (Ice-Nine) was fortunate enough to end up with Clark’s server which had a treasure trove of production and sales data going back over many, many years. The full rocker catalog was the basis for much of the design of both our on-line custom rocker adjustment program that’s available on our website as well as our production system which can handle custom orders with no more difficulty then a standard allowing us to not charge for custom rocker adjustments.)

Thanks native, I have sent my email, that looks interesting, but I can’t find it on the fibreglass supply website.

Looks like the Lonely Tyrant got away with the gold bullion! Clark server…

When I make my documentary on the history of the surfboard and interview shapers I will pay a visit and have a look at that database so keep it safe (joking).

That sounds like the catalog referred to.

When I was gung ho a few months back to start making my own EPS /epoxy boards someone here gently pointed out it might be a good idea to think about the rocker and not just important things like tail shape, number of fins, deck colour, pin lines, logos and stuff like that


wow, this is a soulfull thread.

I have a half dozen or so Clark Blank Catalogs…The mfg.Cat.s at that…heck I have better than a dozen Clark blanks still …geeez…H

So why did you swoop those last two at Harbour’s?

Bye the bye, why not make your own rockers?

Entry, planing, exit?

Do you want to be a shaper or a copier?

My 2C…


So why did you swoop those last two at Harbour’s?

Bye the bye, why not make your own rockers?

Entry, planing, exit?

Do you want to be a shaper or a copier?

My 2C…

(BTW…Rich is a close friend to my brother Ray and myself,since the eary 70s)

Two ? Your count is abit shy…WHY ? Do you want them ?..And about a dozen from the man…at which I can still get…H

Herb: I don’t think you got my meaning…

If you had so many Clarks just sitting around and

knew that Rich was offering them to anyone who

was on Sways, why swoop before others?

(Then brag how many you have sitting around

even tho I only count 5 in your “shaping bay”)

The second part of my post was directed at

the original poster, Claude, if you were bothered by it,

i apologize. I was trying to encourage him to

take the journey that you and others have made

in discovery. I still don’t have the hang of posting

on forums and don’t do it often so I often screw up.

I have known Rich & Kurt & Robert just a little longer

I think but I’ll ask next time I see them…

Don’t mean to hijack the post so this might bring it



I use a flexable piece of synthetic molding that I bend

into a nose curve at tip, 6", 12", 18" , nail on masonite

with a backer board and draw. I do the same for the

middle curve and the tail. These three curves together

give me my rough out rocker and can be tweeked as you

are making them. A computer program doesn’t do the

same for me, I like to see the curves in full size and real



No hard feels here(after 5 bouts w/ chemo,I don’t have much left to feel).

As far as I knew,Rich made to the effect, that he would rather deal w/ me.Being that he knew me( I had shaped for him,back in the days on and off w/ a very honest attitude) ,and trusted me on my past merit.

As far as I knew,he didn’t know you at all,or at least that’s the way I understood the situation ,BTW…I could be competely wrong with this.

As far swooping them up…I bought one,right off the bat,Yes…then came back a week later or so, to get the rest…I even left a couple for others to buy,and as far as I know, he had no other real,solid inquiries. It also appeared that he was having a bit of a communication problem w/ you(I can’t see why? But it happens)…

You have a nice Thanksgiving, ST ,(I’ll be working down south)…and if you want any of those Clark/Harbour blanks let me know,I can let a few go.No problems, my man.

Claude if you want a Clark blank Catalog, rocker or otherwise ,I’d be glad to give you one…H