Has anyone used the new 6’7’'P designed with the help of Rich Pavel for Clark Foam? I am hoping that someone might have some information on it. I checked there site and was unable to find any specs on this blank. I have heard that it also can be ordered in a minus rocker (called the Kauai Lis Rocker) that is much flatter through the last 2/3rd’s of the blank. Is this true? Does it come in a Wedge Stringer? Thanks for any information.
FOAM-EZ has the Clark catalog on site.
All blanks can be customized wrt stringers, at a price.
Thanks Blakestah but I went to the FoamEZ site and they still don’t have any specs on the 6’7’‘P. It is suposed to be a mix between the 6’2’‘C and the 6’9’'A.
Thanks again.
Go to the last page of the interview with Toby @ http://www.allaboutsurf.com
The last page is all pictures including an OK one of the Clark blank spec.
Thanks you rock.