To any one who may khow who or collects old surfing mags. I’m looking for an ad that appeared in 1969 or 1970 Int. Surfing Mag. Its an 1/2 page ad for ‘Seasons Surfboards’ showing a lone surfer stroking out to an empty slick glass wave. Its a pic taken on one of the barrier islands off of Savannah Ga. I use to make these boards back then and I’m looking for a copy of the ad/or the mag. Has anyone come across this mag, who may have a copy/ or can remember seeing this ad. Please let me know. Aloha… Roger Brucker
Rodge…might be able to locate that ad for you in one of my old ISM’s. Might take a while, though, so bear with me. (I got stuff going back to '64!). T. P.S…how you and jim coming with your video?!