Looking for someone to shape me a board, (southern new jersey)

Hey I’m located southern jersey and I’ve been looking for someone that can shape me a board for jersey.

If you know anyone please lead me towards them or if it is you just text me or message me.

I have seen brian Wynn and I have boards from him but I having some trouble contacting him.


Swaylock’s very own RDJ at Gallery Surfboards? http://gallerysurfboards.com/

Honestly, here in South Jersey Brian Wynn is your best bet for a locally made board. Beyond him there is Brian Heritage, Ben Peter and a few of backyarders like me. Don’t know who Gallery is but they are in North Jersey. http://facebook.com/bwynnsurf

I agree with Mako that Brian Wynn is your best bet, He does great work. I’d be happy to shape you a board, both Mako and Brian know me well. I lived and surfed in Jersey until I moved to California in ‘04’, so i know what boards work well for the area.Give me a call if intrested, I’ll be back there on Sept 4th so i could deliver it then. 805-325-1167 Thanks Jay