Hello again, First off, let me express my extreme sorrow & disgust towards the events of this past Tuesday. The WT Center & Washington attacks both affected me in ways I could never imagine. This is worse than Pearl Harbor, with possibly twice the casulaties. I have meditated and sent healing energy to the victims, firefighters, rescue personnel & their family/friends. I hope we can rise above all of the obvious racial backlash & anger to seek justice for the perpetrators, rather than revenge. Thanks for bearing with my vent - just had to get that off my chest. I’m looking for a home-shaped longboard or mini mal with volan glass. I’ve seen some of the surfboard archives here & am very impressed with the overall craftsmanship. Would like something in the traditional bombproof construction (super green blank, t-band or triple stringers, volan glass, double gloss coat, etc.). Would prefer something with a deck patch (I’m a knee paddler) & nice full profile (18" plus nose, 15" tail, 22.5" or greater @ the hips, 3.25" thick, etc.). Does anyone have something like this in their coffers? Guess what I’m looking for is an original - a one-off design that appeals to my individual sense of style. Length is open - 8’6" or greater preferred. Please respond via email for quickest contact: Do feel free to post here, also…this could hatch into an interesting thread. Peace to all, John