I have a brand new copy (watched only once) of “The Master Glasser Series” featuring Roger Brucker. I am looking for a copy of “The Master Shaping Series 1” which I will trade for it. Anyone in the Greater Sydney area Interested?
Was it that bad? RB
Hi Roger,
Mate, PLEEAASE dont take that post the wrong way! The dvd was of excellent quality, had all the tricks and techniques I was looking for, was of clear and succinct instruction and pointed out to me where I was going wrong. However there is one thing the dvd didnt do- It didnt magically stop me being a really SHIT glasser, and it wont ever. I have glassed five boards adequately and I simply dont ever want to do it again. I know I will probably get better with time but I just cant bear doing another one when someone else can do a much better job than me. I actually have managed to destroy desgn features on my boards through my glassing efforts! I highly reccomend this dvd to anyone who wants to learn how to glass and has the patience and finesse to get good at it. I am not one of those people. Hope I didnt send the wrong message Mate.
Rogers video is absolute master of all glassing videos, period! Taught me and my boys how to glass 100% start to finish. Jim Phillips master shaping #1 rules as well…