Ah… to be young again! good work B. keep it up, I hope you stay stoked forever.Herb.
NICE! Clean shape, Mr. Moyles! That definitely looks fun! Keep it up! Did you learn anything to share from that one? By the way, your site’s looking good too. For those wondering, check out the Fun Shapes in the board forum.
NICE! Clean shape, Mr. Moyles! That definitely looks fun! Keep it up! Did > you learn anything to share from that one? By the way, your site’s looking > good too. For those wondering, check out the Fun Shapes in the board > forum. Deeb and Herb, thanks for the feedback guys, I have learned so much from you two and the rest of the regular contributers on this site. One of the biggest things I learned during this shape was that I found that I was able to get the stringer a lot closer to the foam by touching up my stringer with the sanding block a few swipes after almost every pass with the block plane. The great part about shaping for my world history teacher was that he left the board on display during finals and now I have three more orders. Can’t wait to start mowing away at there boards. -Brandon
Brandon - that’s only your SECOND shape?! UNBELIEVABLE! Nice job! Keep it up and next thing you know your little hobby will be a full time job. On stringer work I frequently use a tiny hand plane and basically shape the stringer down a bit at a time and block sand the foam until flush. With the blade set for SHALLOW cuts, a little touch up of any stringer high spots is the final touch. You just have to be a little careful not to gouge the foam. Jim Phillips mentions using tape on either side of the stringer to protect the foam.