Is there a brush out there that does not loose it’s bristles. Every Hot coat I do, I have to pick bristles out. I’m using those inexpensive chip brushes. Thanks
I used to use throw away brushes or cheapies from my resin supplier. I’ve found that since I’ve gone to using high quality brushes (unpainted wood handles!) I end up saving money. They lose far fewer bristles and with a decent cleaning procedure I can use them for many boards. I work the bristles pretty hard between uses by hand to keep them supple and to remove and loose bristles and glaze from the last use. Tom S.>>> Is there a brush out there that does not loose it’s bristles. Every Hot > coat I do, I have to pick bristles out. I’m using those inexpensive chip > brushes. Thanks
Do you use any particular brand or just a good one from a paint store. Also, do you use a thicker brush for glossing or basicly the same brush. Thanks.
I use cheap-o brushes(one use throwaway) for the hot coat and a good finishing brush for the gloss. Before I use the cheap brush, I a pull the bristles to remove loose bristles. I have alway had a few come out anyway. The professional shops I see use high end brushes. They are also hot coating and glossing 6+ boards at time. Anthony>>> Is there a brush out there that does not loose it’s bristles. Every Hot > coat I do, I have to pick bristles out. I’m using those inexpensive chip > brushes. Thanks
Chris: No, nothing special. Go to a paint supply store and look at the really good brushes for a reference. The unpainted handles keep you from dealing with the mess your acetone will create with painted or plastic handles. I’ve found some really good brushes for $10.00 or so at closeout or stock overun places. I’m careful how I clean them, always finish up with a little clean acetone. Should last you for many boards, best to have one for hotcoats and one for glossing. Tom S.
i like good brushes. not the best ones. chinese bristle works best for me. the worst brush i ever used for a hot coat was a professional grade. it cost about $25. it caused so many air bubbles. the bristles didn’t soak up a lot of the resin so air was able to move around in the brush. Linzer makes good brushes. i get them from the monopoly …home depot
Is there a brush out there that does not loose it’s bristles. Every Hot > coat I do, I have to pick bristles out. I’m using those inexpensive chip > brushes. Thanks Fiberglass Hi. sells a good brush for about $7.00 that they call an aussie brush. It has a White acetone resistant handle and sheds a couple of bristles for the first couple of uses. I’ve used a lot of different brushes and this is a really good one. I also use the same kind of brush for my gloss work. Some times they put them on sale for $4.00. Definitely worth looking into. Aloha Kokua
I think somebody here made a post saying to put your brushes in the clothes washer. I tried it with the cheap chip brushes (with a load of beach towels) and it worked very well.
Is there a brush out there that does not loose it’s bristles. Every Hot > coat I do, I have to pick bristles out. I’m using those inexpensive chip > brushes. Thanks …I use cheap chip brushes…Before using one, I’ll cut about 3/4" off across the tip of the brush, it seems to shed a whole lot less…
…I use cheap chip brushes…Before using one, I’ll cut about 3/4" > off across the tip of the brush, it seems to shed a whole lot less… …I have those long,white bristle,wallpaper brushes,Cut them up to the desired sizes,and bang you have a set of brushes to go!No loss of hair there,either…I also have a few light,and dark bristle brushes from Sears,and K-Mart,2",3",4"sizes all work nice.Some of my brushes are over 20 years old and work better everytime.Herb
…I have those long,white bristle,wallpaper brushes,Cut them up to > the desired sizes,and bang you have a set of brushes to go!No loss of hair > there,either…I also have a few light,and dark bristle brushes from > Sears,and K-Mart,2",3",4"sizes all work nice.Some of my > brushes are over 20 years old and work better everytime.Herb I tried that tip a while back… It worked great!!!
…I have those long,white bristle,wallpaper brushes,Cut them up to > the desired sizes,and bang you have a set of brushes to go!No loss of hair > there,either…I also have a few light,and dark bristle brushes from > Sears,and K-Mart,2",3",4"sizes all work nice.Some of my > brushes are over 20 years old and work better everytime.Herb Hey Herb, you’ve got brushes older than some of the kids using this website. Aloha, Kokua